The Beginning

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Maria POV
You would think this would be exciting getting to move England but there are down sides to it, like starting a new school, making friends, and finding another job. Don't get me wrong I love England I just wished it wasn't towards the end of the school year and yet we had to move three months before school is out. Now I'm sitting in the back seat with headphones in, staring out the window waiting to get out of this car to stretch my legs, I've been sitting far to long.
"How much longer mum"
"Only about 10 more minutes"
When we finally got to the house I somehow knew that this house is what I've been having dreams about. Before we moved here, I was having dreams of a house which coincidentally looked exactly like this, my dreams were about a wolf, but it was as big as a bear. It was black with a menacing growl, some nights I had dreams I was in the woods and spotted the wolf attacking something but it had heard me and turned around and lunged at me. I had always woke up before anything had happened. What I didn't expect, was that the house was surrounded by woods, which was a good thing because I love the woods. I just hope that I wont have anymore weird dreams. It was a decent size house, looked cozy. I started walking up to the house with my bags when my mom called my name,

"Maria aren't you going to help unload your stuff?"

I turned and nodded but kept walking up the steps into the house. Inside was homey and bigger than the outside, strangely but I was okay with it. I head up the stairs and to the right was a room that had a walk in closet, it's own bathroom and was kind of small. The second door was a bathroom that was white and bright. The other door was another bedroom that I feel in love with instantly, it had a walk in closet it was the perfect size it had to windows one with patio and another window where I would love to put my bed. I sat my bag down so my sister and mom would know which room was mine, I went back outside to help unload the moving truck to take up stairs.

"Whatever stuff says Maria can you follow me with it please" they nodded and followed me upstairs.

"You can just place them anywhere for now thank you"

After all the boxes were in my room they finally brought up my bed which I thought was stupid because why would they bring up the bed now with all the boxes on floor where they could trip than before when it was clear. I finally had all my stuff so I started making my bed and started putting my shit away when my mom called me and my sister down for supper which consists of pizza and soda because we didn't have any food yet.
I was done with my food I headed up stairs to my room, changed and looked out the window into the woods but I swear I saw something move but I just blamed it on the wind and my tiredness. I climbed in bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.
That night I woke up to the sound of rustling I didn't know what time it was but it was dark out by now that I don't need to know what time it is just that I can get more sleep and rest before I have to start unpacking again so I went back to sleep. I woke up again only to the window opened and got the unsettling feeling that I was being watched. which didn't help with my sleep, I was scared to even shut the window more the fact how the hell it got open. I grew some balls and quick shut the window, now I know whenever someone closes their window or looks outside it they see something and that's exactly what happened, except it wasn't small enough to be a human and too big to even be an animal, it had piercing blue eyes that's all I could see until it backed away in the forest where I couldn't see which scared the shit out of me. That is how my first night at the house went, thinking about maybe I shouldn't be happy about living close to the woods and of what was out there that was watching the house. That whole night I kept on tossing and turning thinking, which gave me a headache real quick, that's how I fell asleep dreaming of those piercing blue eyes.


This is my first book so I hope it's not

starting off to bad, and if so i'm sorry.

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