Luna's In Town

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Encase you forgot Sophie is going to look like Kendall, the picture above is Tyler


Sophie's POV
There was something about Maria that pulled me in she was very pretty no doubt in that

 Max walked up with the rest of the gang.

" Who was that?" Max said

" Some new girl, she's starting school on Monday"

" Good she's hot!" Tristan said. " Shut up. There is something different about her though because she smells like a wolf  but there is something else with her and her eyes are wicked.

Max took out his phone to make a call. " Hey Tyler, we got a new girl" 

" Well, is she a rouge or what, why did you call me."

 " Well i'm not sure exactly what she is..." 

" Just spit it out Max"

 " She has the sent of a wolf and it's strong but there is like some type of other aura and I can't seem to figure it out, but I got to tell you she is wicked hot ."

" Is she going to be going to school?"

" Yes she starts Monday"

" Good have Sophie keep an eye on her for any weird suspicions"

" I will." 

 "Everything good."

 " yeah" 

"Good lets go home babe." I said

This is a drawing I know but it looked really cool so this is going to be the color of maria's eyes okay

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This is a drawing I know but it looked really cool so this is going to be the color of maria's eyes okay.

Maria's POV

All I kept on thinking about was the girl  who seemed weird, I mean the guys that were coming up to her were fucking hot so I think when I start school I will start exploring my options, just kidding i'm not that kind of girl. 

I really don't want to go to school. " Maria are you gonna help make dinner?"

 " Yeah, I'm coming." Me and my mom were making dinner while my sister was watching Netflix. "mmmm it smells good in here"  

" Well yeah I'm cooking."

 " Haha very funny Maria." May said " I know" 

 " So are you excited for school" " oh yeah I can't wait to be stared at and talked about"

 " You are so sassy"

 "I am not" I said. 

"Maria it's time to get up" my mom had came in to wake me up. I am dreading the day, I groaned and she left. I am just going to close my eyes just for a little bit only to be woken up again. 

" Maria get your ass up I have to go to work I need you to be up before I go!"  I groaned but got up and went down stairs and got a bowl of cereal and went to the living room which was still filled with boxes and watched TV till I have to get ready. It was already 7 which means I have to start getting ready. I go up to my room and searched for something to wear. Since it is usually cold in England I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with a black tank top and a purple flannel. I go downstairs put my shoes on grab my keys and backpack and head out to my car to start driving to school.

I was trying find a parking spot close to the front of the school but couldn't find one so I park my car in the middle kind of. I get out and start walking to doors and guess what, everyone is staring at me what a surprise. 

" Maria wait up" I turn and look to see who it is and it's Sophie.

 " Hey" I said

 " Would you like me to show you around " 

"sure but I have to stop at the office to get my schedule first" " That's okay i'll show you the way" We started heading to the office i'm assuming when a group of people showed up. " Hey babe"

 a dude come up to Sophie and kissed her on forehead " Who's this?" questioned the guy  " This is Maria she the new girl" he gave me a nod as to say hello but he didn't smile

" Well hello there gorgeous" some dude come up to me and put his arm around me. I gotta say he is hot. " hey" I said 

" Tristan get off of her you wanker" 

Sophie pushed his arm off of me. 

" Sorry about him, anyway this is Tristan and this is Max my boyfriend and this is Tyler" Tyler was extremely handsome and he had pretty blue eyes almost as blue as an ocean after a storm, his eyes i immediately lured me in, I smiled " Hi" i said but he only just stared at me so I looked away.

 " okay well we need to get your schedule so see you guys later" Sophie gave one last kiss to Max and we headed off to the office. 

" Hey Mrs. Collins this is maria she is new"

 " Hello dear what is your last name" " It's Martinez"

" Alright there you go sweetie, now you guys get to class don't want you guys being late" after that we walked out and  stared heading to my first class. " Okay lets take a look at what your first class is, alright AP biology nice lets go" I really wasn't ready to start the day Sophie dropped me off and went to her class while I walked in I was still a little early so I chose a seat in the back and waited til the teach came in.

 " Alright class we have a new student her name is Maria, Maria please raise your hand." I did and the teacher just started the and didn't make me introduce myself which I was grateful for. 

The day flew by fast luckily, now i'm in gym which is my last class of the day. Me and Sophie were getting ready.

 " So Tristan has non stop talking about you today" " Really, at least I know I can get a male attention." I laughed a little and was putting my hair up " yeah but I gotta tell you he is a man whore so just be careful okay." 

" Don't worry i'm not interested in trying to find someone right now" after that we went out to the gym and I noticed that one Tyler guy was in here so I new I had to try at least even though I said that I wasn't trying to find anyone I can still try and look good cause he is hot as hell. The teacher told us to grab a volleyball and start passing it over the net so we did that for a couple minutes before we had to get in groups. 

Max Tristan and Tyler cam up to us and that was our team.

 " Maria just know I will have your back"Tristan said and he squeezed my ass and it made me squeal and slap his hand away " I can't believe you just did that" I said laughing

 " You don't touch unless I give you permission" 

" trust me that will be soon" " Yeah okay not even in you wildest dreams honey" Tristan just chuckled and checked me out not discreetly might I add. I looked over at Tyler and saw him glaring at Tristan which for some reason made me happy. The game started and we got up to the first spot and let me tell you we are fucking awesome. We ended up winning the game and headed back to the lockers to change. " Here is my number so text me and we can hang out" said Tristan

 " okay, you have a good day then." I went out the doors and walked to my car and as I was looking around, and that was when I saw Tyler staring at me and I blushed and put my head down and continued walking until I got in and drove home.


Sorry it has been a while since I updated I got really busy but I will try and

keep the updates fast.

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