He's Back

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graphic scenes 


" YOU BITCH!" he screamed punching me in the jaw I bit my tongue to keep from screaming, I was not going to give him the satisfaction of making me scream.

" TELL ME!" he screamed again feeling a whip come onto my back causing me to scream, I was sweating and panting from the torture, I spit out blood that was caused by his frequent punches.

" I will never, tell you, so go on ahead and kill me because I will not betray him."  not long after I was whipped in the back again only it felt like it was forced with all of his strength causing me to scream louder than before I don't know how long he whipped be for but I could tell it was long enough for me to start getting dizzy.

" Quite it, your going to kill her."  I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again, after that incident at the house I knew it wasn't the last time I was going to see him again. I shivered in disgust, he stalked towards me slowly and ran his fingers between my breast gripping my neck and forcing me to see his brown eyes again,could see anger, pain, yet love in them.

" You could end this torture by just telling him and show him, why are you so god damn stubborn." I didn't answer him which clearly he didn't like, he slapped me so hard it echoed through out the basement.

" You will answer me when I talk to you, I do not like to hurt you." I only glared at him with so much hatred I hoped it would kill him,

" You do not tell me what to do, you do not control me." I said,you could almost feel the anger radiate off of him. 

" I guess I am going to have to show you who is boss." he said unlocking  the chains that were holding me up, causing me to fall straight to the floor, he picked me up and threw me onto a bed him climbing on top of me, I knew what was a bout to happen but before I could push him off he stuck a needle in my arm with a substance that I immediately knew that it was vervain and wolfs-bane, causing my body lack in control, I heard zipping of pants become undone and the feeling of his rough fingers ripping off my panties.

" No,please no." I begged, my voice sounding hoarse, I couldn't feel anything besides a slight pinch in my lower region. 

" Tyler!" I screamed as loud as I could

" You are mine and only mine Maria he can't hear you." he groaned into my ear the sound of the bed creaking with every thrust he gives, I couldn't do anything beside stare at the wall with tears streaming down my face.

I woke up feeling hands on me I quickly tried to push the hands off of me thinking it were his touch.

" Maria, baby it's okay it's just me." I opened my eyes and put my arms around his neck sobbing uncontrollably. He held me tight and rubbed my back saying it was alright and that he is here. Tyler laid us back down still holding, I don't know how long he held me for but it was long enough to where my sobs were just hiccups.

" Do you want to talk about it." he asked softly

" I don't really want to. I replied he just sighed

" You have been having these nightmares for a week now and it's not getting any better, I have noticed that you are distant and the only time it looks like you are present is when we are training." yes you heard him right, I have had these dreams for a week and still haven't told anybody, my first dream was worse than this but I can still feel his touch and hear his voice, I only talk during practices because if I were to ever encounter one of them I want to be ready, I haven't told anybody about them because I don't want to relive those dreams. 

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