Chapter 9

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Maria's POV

I had woken up to the sound of an alarm blaring music.
" OMG shut that thing off." I groaned followed by another groan and a thud.
" Finally"
I was hit in the head with a hand but I couldn't care less because I did not feel good and wanted to sleep. I was almost back to sleep when the blankets were ripped off of me, and hands were around my ankles. Before I could react I was being pulled off the bed.
" ugh wtf" I looked up and gave a death glare to Sophie.
" Was that really necessary?"
" Considering you weren't getting up I had to take orders into my own hands."

 I still glared at her and through a fake a smile in her direction before making my way to the bathroom. To do my business, I had left the bathroom to change my clothes, I took a look outside and saw that it was sunny. I had already hoped for the day to be sunny and already packed a pink ruffle crop top, with light blue shorts and a tan sweater along with my converse. I had brushed my hair and I decided to leave my hair in my natural waves, my hair was pretty long too, went underneath my boobs. I grabbed my tooth brush and knocked on the bathroom, Sophie opened the door and let me in to brush my teeth. I had brushed my teeth and grabbed my hair to one side and spit. 

" omg Maria" I looked at her and seen her eyes wide and her face soon turned into a smirk. 

" What?" she did't say anything she just turned me to the mirror and lifted my hair. I didn't realize what she was getting at until I saw it.

" Fuck, what the hell am I going to explain this to my mom.?" I said more to myself than her. I don't even remember Tyler sucking my neck.

" do you have any cover up?" I asked her " yes I do but I feel like Tyler wouldn't want you to cover it up, he must be very proud." I groaned and threw my hair back.

" Can I at least use some before I go home." I asked she just nodded her head. Since I drove here I would be taking us to school and she would be going home with Max. I really wanted to ask her about her living at that place but I had decided against it. I had figured out how she gets when she gets nervous and panicky, even though I had already met her I could see in her eyes how she gets. We got to school and got out of the car and started to walk up to the group. Max had seen us and smiled at Sophie with such love, I was kinda of jealous of them to be honest.

" Hey guys." they all shared a greeting, when I had noticed Tyler was not there.

" Where's Tyler I need to talk to him?" They all looked at each other and was hesitant to tell me." seriously what?" 

" He is talking to Cassidy?" I couldn't help but feel angry I took a deep breath " that bitch" I quietly spoke but of course they all heard and laughed. " Another question, did she come up to him." they nodded and Sophie looked at me with an apologetic smile.

" What a fucking surprise" I don't even know why I was getting upset about it he isn't even technically mine. I was never one to be possessive but something about Tyler brought things out in me I had no idea I could feel.

" Anyways lets go we don't want to be late class." I said and walked away to class with clenched fist and had to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I was getting a call from an unknown number and ignored it and turned my ringer off. I had gotten to class and went on my phone until the bell rang. I hadn't paid much attention to what the teacher was talking about and before I know it, the bell rang and I was on to my next class when I had spotted Tyler.

I had ran to catch up to him. " Hey Tyler, can we talk?" He turned around and looked straight to my neck where he seen the hickey, and had smirked clearly being proud with his work.

" Yeah" he had pulled me into an empty staircase. " so i'm assuming you would like to talk about last night?"

" You are correct. Look usually I don't just kiss random guys nor kiss them when I first meet them, I am not saying that I regret it because I don't I just would like if I had been sober when we had done it. You know?" He looked at me for a while and hadn't said anything

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