Chapter Four

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I woke up and stretched out. For once I had a free day. No Alpha duties to take care off. Nothing. I stood up, pulled aside my curtains then to the bathroom.

I came back out refreshed and, obviously, awesome smelling. I threw on some jeans and I stretched again and made my way to my dresser to pull out a t-shirt. I saw how it was only half open. I frowned. I'm pretty sure I didn't even touch this drawer last night. My questions were answered when I saw some pink material lying above the dresser.

I felt my eyes flash yellow and a deep growl erupted. I slammed the drawer shut, picked up the dress and stormed out.

"This child is going to be the death of me." I grumbled. I couldn't believe that Kali would just dump our daughter like that. No warning, nothing. But at least I slept good last night, knowing she's alive. When she comes to pick up Lily, I'm gonna take her in my arms and never let her go.

I don't even know how I've kept alive without a mate for nearly 10 years.

"Lily! What were you doing in my room?" I yelled as I got downstairs, furious. I got outside her room and there was no reply. I knew she was terrified of me, I could smell it off her. "Lily?"

I pushed down the handle and walked in. "Wake up, kid. You've got some serious explain -"

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her bed empty, shoes gone.

I tried hard not to panic and turned back to the living room. Empty. I ran to the kitchen (that needed some serious cleaning, again) calling her name but still nothing. I tried the garden. Empty. I swallowed and rubbed my face with my hands. "Lily, I'm not playing!" I yelled "Come here!"

I got no response. I tried following her scent but it was only faint like the last time she was here was hours ago. But it was only 7 am.

My heart thudded "This cannot be happening." I muttered. I checked the whole house twice over. Still nothing.

I ran back downstairs. "Why me, why me?"

I glanced over and saw the front door slightly opened. I rushed and pulled it open so the crisp cold morning air hit my bare chest violently but I didn't care. I stepped out barefoot, looking down the trail that lead back to the pack house.

She wouldn't dare leave the house late in the night, would she? The trail was surrounded by trees on both sides. I groaned. I suddenly wished I hadn't been so horrible to her.

"Lily?"I called softly. There was still no reply. So I followed the vague and faint smell that led down the trail. At some point it led off the trail, half way to the Pack House. It led off into the forest.

"What?" I whispered. I hadn't felt this much fear since that horrible night all those years ago. I picked speed and followed her little girl scent. It gradually grew stronger as I went through the forest, pushing leaves and branches out of my way.

Finally, I found her. Her scent lead me right to where she was. I knew it was right in front of the Pack House but I couldn't see her.

"Let me go!"

"Not until you tell us what you're doing on our territory!"

"I told you! I'm Alpha Caden's daugher!"

"The Alpha doesn't have a kid! Now fess up, what are you doing here?"

"Let me go! Please!"

Then I heard her burst into tears.

"Please! I just wanna go home!"

I finally found the source of the voices and burst through the trees.

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