caught in the act

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Ciel screamed at the top of his lungs. William began to panic, he hoped Sebastian didn't hear his masters scream. "Ciel be quiet!!" William shouted but unfortunately it was too late. He heard footsteps rapidly approaching his office.... William pulled out and rushed to redress himself and the boy. Just as he pulled Ciel's pants up Sebastian burst into the room, anger clearly present on his face as he saw his master bent over his desk breathing heavily, and a certain dark haired reaper behind him, zipping up his pants. Sebastian growled baring his fangs and his eyes turned pink. "How dare you touch my master you filthy reaper!" Sebastian screamed. "Sebastian Michaelis, who are you calling filthy? I Believe it is you who rot's in hell not me." Will fired back at the angered demon, which was probably the biggest mistake of his life. Sebastian snarled and lunged at the reaper pinning him to the ground, ready to rip his arms off. William tried his best to escape the demons death grip. "S-Sebastian stop don't hurt him!" Ciel shouted trying to calm his butler who was about to murder his lover, but nothing was working. Sebastian wrapped one hand around the reapers neck and began squeezing the life out of him. At that instant Ciel launched himself at the butler and tried to pry him off of Will. There was so much hatred and anger in the demon's eyes that he started wamming on the reapers face knocking Will out with the first punch. He kept hitting him and once he had felt he had enough he dragged him away ignoring the protests from his master. "Sebastian let go of him!!"

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