The talk

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Sebastian walked into his masters study after being stopped by skylar. He bowed and greeted his master. "You wished to talk my lord?" "Sebastian sit down." The butler sat and ciel sighed. "You like rose toshiba. I can see it." Sebastian smirked. "Observant are we my lord?" Ciel nodded. "I'm going to tell you this once. You can't be with her. She doesn't know what you are, and I don't want her to know." Sebastian sighed. "Sebastian this is serious. I don't want you flirting with her." Sebastian smirked again. "Could it be you are not worried about that, you are worried about lady pratt. After all, you are in love with her." Ciel widened his eyes. "What are you talking about!?" Sebastian smiled. "You are in love with lady pratt. As you saw mine I can see yours. Your eyes." Ciel covered his face. "Damn demon." Sebastian smirked. "Now. Back to the topic. Lady toshiba." Ciel nodded. "Don't touch her or make her feel uneasy. She is my guest, I expect her to feel safe and secure here, not scared to go outside. What did you do with that thing anyway?" "I returned it to the owner." Ciel sighed. "Good. I definitely don't want those two to get involved and ruin everything." Sebastian nodded. "Good. Now, lady pratt and lady toshiba, keep them safe." Sebastian nodded. "But my lord. I must inform you of something. In regards to lady toshiba." "What?" Sebastian cleared his throat. "My lord. She is kind on the outside. And she loves to help me clean. And since lady pratt will be living here soon. Would it be acceptable if lady rose came to work for you?" Ciel raised his eyebrow. "I'm listening. Go on." Sebastian smirked. "Having a demon butler is good and all. But having two demons one as your butler and one as a second maid to stay at the mansion when we leave." Ciel smirked.

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