Chapter 1

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Four years later

All I could hear was a very loud buzzing sound. I woke to the sound of my alarm clock going off at seven am telling me to get up and get moving. I checked the papers to see what time I had to be there and it said nine am.

I realized in that split second that I set it last night to get me up for my first day of being an intern at Adams Shipping Inc.

Trying to make it as quick as possible, I ate a delicious breakfast, and made my way to the bathroom to hop in the shower. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection for a good while. I got undressed and turned on the shower.

After I finished my hot shower, I got dressed in, what my opinion, was intern appropriate. I headed down stairs to feed my dog Lucas and say my goodbyes for the day. I hated leaving Lucas home alone, but I can't afford to take him any were to stay for the day.

I didn't know how traffic was gonna be like so I quickly turned on the TV to the news channel to take a look. After going threw all the weather, and other news it finally got to the traffic report. It looked clear, no accidents, but there was still the morning rush to worry about.

As I'm driving to this place, I start getting nervous and talking to myself. Why am I so nervous? I kept going on and on in my head until I was finally down the street from this place. I followed the signs to were it said Adams Inc. Parking.

I thought, Cool, a parking garage.

I found a spot and made sure I was fixed up and ready. I rehearsed a few introductions to say and whatever else I might have to say before I could get my nerves down.

I finally got the courage to get out of my car and walk over to the elevator that would take me into the building of what would be a new start to my life. After the elevator stopped and opened its big white doors, I stepped onto the clear marble tile and walked to the front desk to check in.

"Hello, my name's Jenna Bailey. I'm the new intern. Could you point me in the right direction to go?" I said

The pale brunette lady then gave me a swift smile and pointed me to up the stairs, make a left, and to take another elevator to the sixth floor. I thanked her and smiled to myself. Well, so far so good, clothes are still clean and I haven't broken into sweat yet.

I got up to the sixth floor and saw even bigger doors that looked like it would lead into a really big office. Was this gonna be mine?

I finally walked to the door and pushed it open where I was face to face with a pretty small blonde hair woman who gave me a smile and walked over in my direction.

"Hello! My name's Christina. I'm head of the front desk. What can I do for you today?" she asked.

The tall pretty blonde seemed interested in helping me while the others behind her just yawned in bordom and didn't care.

"My name is Jenna Bailey, I'm here for my first day of being the new intern." I exclaimed.

"Yes, we are expecting you. I'll be helping to show you your new office space," she said.

"Thank you, I appreciate it very much."

"No problem. Did you have any problem finding your way here?"

"No, my GPS got me here safe and sound and the lady at the desk in the lobby helped," I said

She gave more interest in my words as we walked down halls and corridors to the new space I'll be at. We finally stopped, opening up a glass door into a decent sized office space, and walked in.

"Wow, I honestly excepted smaller for an intern..." I said

"Well Mr. Adams wants the best for his workers. Just get comfortable and I'll bring you some stuff to get started with." She closed the door to my office and walked back the way we came.

I observed the good amount of space around the room and saw how some of the walls were filled with beautiful art work. My breath was instantly taken from me. I couldn't help but name all the artists of the pictures.

I put the box I had carried up into the office on the desk and started pulling out some note books, and pens, and some other basic office supplies.

The young woman who helped me find my office poked her head through my door and said something that made me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I just thought you might want something small for now to work with since it's your first day," she smiled.

"Oh, thank you," I said.

I took the papers from Christina and set them down on the desk. I sat down and got started, going through the papers. When I really got a look at the stack of papers I was already having a nervous breakdown.

I started with less than a quarter of the stack and worked my way through. After finally finishing only half the stack I was parched. I stood up and walked outside the office over to Christina.

"Hey, is there like a break room around here to grab a small cup of water?" I asked

"Yes, just down the hall on the right," she said.

I thanked her, than walked in that general direction. When I got into the break room I grabbed a cup and filled it with ice cold water than took a drink. I felt much better after that.

When I got back into my office I tried to finish up as much papers as I could before the end of the work day. I sat in the chair for what seemed like days that dragged on. Turns out it was days that dragged on, but money was money. I was stamping, and putting letters in envelopes--I was exhausted by the end of it all.


When my first full week came to an end I started to pack up my things and close up when Christina stopped me.

"Hey you, how was your first week? Did you survive?" she asked.

"It was ok, very tiring though," I said

"I know what you need, we all need it. You need to come out with me tonight and hit up a bar." She gave a victorious grin, even though she hadn't won anything--yet.

"Christina, are we even allowed that? Working at this place?" I questioned.

"Yes, as long as we're not going to work the next day, and tomorrow's Saturday so we're good."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun," I said.

"Great! I'll pick you up later" she said then jumped in her shoes, and left the building to fly home.

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