Chapter 2

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My first night out and I partied like I was off the chains. Wild was just what I needed for the end of this week of hard work. I decided to go out with Christina earlier even though I only knew her for a week, but what harm could be done right? It was only one night out.


The next morning I woke up with a enormous pounding headache. I tried to stand up and go to the bathroom to get some advil. I found the medicine, and took two pills to help it go away.

After my daily morning rutine for a Saturday, I went and grabbed my phone to see I had ten text messages. Two from my brother telling me he landed in new york, three from my mother asking me about my first week, and then five from some number I didn't recognize. I just ignored the last five messages then put my phone on the charger.

Through out the day my phone kept buzzing with the same number I did not know. I finally picked up my phone and tried my hardest to figure out if I knew this person. I texted the number back.

Jenna: Hello who is this?

I got no reply for 20 minutes. So I thought, this is weird. I went into my room to put away my clean clothes when all of a sudden my phone buzzed again.

Unknown: Hey how are you feeling? You had a pretty wild night last night Jenna

Jenna: Who are you? How did you get my number?

Unknown: You gave me your number last night. Jenna are you still hungover?

I ignored the last text message and erased the conversation out of my phone. I now think about it, what did happen last night?

It was around seven o'clock that night that I got a text message from Christina asking if I wanted to go and have dinner with her. I replied to her yes then got ready. After I got ready I noticed my phone stopped buzzing.

I thought, Thank God, they finally left me alone.

Christina got to my house about eight sharp and met me outside. I got into the car, and smiled to her like she was my best friend in the world. We drove through the town until we found a place to finally eat.

"So Red Lobster, huh?" I asked.

"Yep, we're doing seafood. I like seafood but you know I thought we could try something new, " she said.

We got inside the restaurant and got a table. We got a couple of drinks and ordered our food. I picked at my plate like I was nervous or worried. Christina must have known cause she asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, just... do you remember what happened last night? Cause I don't and there's this person who is texting me like he knows me," I explained.

She asked me if I recognized the number and I said no, and that he just knew I was out partying. I started kinda getting worried for myself.

After dinner, and all the drinks we had taken into our small bodies, we were buzzed. I wasn't too bad, I had a very small buzz so I drove us to my place. When we got home I helped her into the apartment, and walked her to the spare room. She passed out as soon as she hit the bed.

I stayed up just a little bit longer to watched some TV and started dosing off. I jumped the second I fell off the couch and saw my phone had some text messages. I opened them up and saw they were from the unknown number AGAIN!

Unknown: Hey there Jenna, have fun tonight at dinner? I hope one day we can have a normal conversation

I started to get paranoid. Who was this person? How did they know me and get my number? How did they know I was out for dinner tonight?

I ignored the text message and deleted the conversation. I thought to myself, Why haven't I called the police yet? Why did I even reply to this person?

I ran these threw my head as I sat down on the couch with a cup of tea I just made. As I watched some more TV, I heard something stumble in the hallway. Then I realized it was Christina out of bed. I got up and saw her stumbling to the bathroom so I helped her in the there. I pulled back her hair while she leaned over the toilet and I tied her hair back.

I helped her back to bed, then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I cleaned every part of my body running my fingers over the goosebumps on my arms. Even in a hot shower I was freezing. I turned off the water and got out drying myself up when I looked in the mirror in the corner of my a face was in my bathroom window. I jumped and ran out turning off the light.

I must have been really scared because I didn't even put on any clothes including underwear, I just slipped into the bed under the sheets. I finally got over my self and fell asleep fast, and into a deep sleep.

I got nightmares that turned into sweet dreams often. It was always the same one a tall dark haired man in a suit got closer to my flesh naked body and touched me all over. I wouldn't notice but in my sleep I would be touching myself to the sexual happenings in my dreams. I would never get close to actually having sex with him but he once go so close I actually felt like he was next to me.

These dreams have been happening ever sense the end of the summer after senior year was over. I don't know what was going on but I thought I liked it, I think I like it actually. Do I like these dreams? It made me feel more like a woman that someone actually wanted me even if it was in my dreams.

It was always the same thing though he would get close to my naked body and kiss my neck putting his hands on my chest. It seemed he wanted me to take control but in all honestly I wanted him to take control.

My eyes fluttered open with a loud gasp of air that I toke in then let out. I turned my head moving the covers a little and saw the alarm clocked said 4:30 am I felt exhausted so I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I got the strength and got up out of bed and went down the hall to see Christina still fast asleep.

I went into the kitchen, and grabbed some water then headed back to my room. I looked threw my closet for some old pictures from high school of me and my friends. Alot of them were silly pictures, and some were of awards I won from fairs I participated in.

Almost all the pictures taken were taken by...Quinton. My best friend, I haven't even heard from him in years. I always wondered how he was doing it would have been nice to keep in touch with him after school, but he went on, and did his own thing.

I finally put down the albums, and the glass pulled up the covers and fell back asleep. That night the dreams came back, and they gave me just the same thing. Mysterious man I didn't know who it was, but I really want to know.

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