Chapter 8

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*Ghosts Pov*

Well I was screwed over so badly. How Jimmy had got me into the situation I was currently in...I don't know. But it was bad. Shade, the guy I hated oh so much was within killing distance with his back turned to us. Jimmy was going crazy and I tried to restrain him but to no avail.

He snuck his way past four guards, knocked one out and managed to break a door in the process. Now we where both stuck in the middle of this huge room with a dinosaur skeleton in the center with pillars going around the sides, one of them which we crouched behind. Plants in pots sat next to the pillars giving us good cover, for now.

He was fidgeting and shaking so badly,  he was about to leap out at him but I screamed 'stop' at him in my head.

"Look the fact is, is that you can't just rush him and kill him, even though I would love to do so as well, but you need to get a plan together." I said to him in my head.

"Listen I have a plan," he muttered to me. "Just let me do me and get my knife up to his throat!" He said gleefully as he drew out his knifey.

"Hmm fine but don't kill me because I feel pain a lot more than you do." I said grudgingly to him. He grew a huge smile and his eyes grew bright crimson red. He laughed a bit but held it back. Shade turned his head and looked around but Jimmy stayed crouched behind the pillar and plants.

"I heard something...You and you," he said as he pointed at some guards. "Go investigate, I must speak with Prince Fang and Maxwell." He said as he walked out though a side door. He left it wide open. There was a glass roof and light streamed in from above leaving a shadow to let them know my presence.

All I could do was watch helplessly from Jimmys point of view as the foot steps drew closer and closer to where we where hiding.

*Jimmy's Pov*

I felt my knife in my right hand and listened as their foot steps free closet and closer. They stopped and I lunged out from my hiding spot catching one of them over the head with my arm knocking him to the ground. The other drew a gun but I leaped at him and ran my knife through his chest. I pulled it out and he dropped to the ground dead.

I turned towards the other and he was backing up. "Hey!! Do ya wanna know my secret!?!" I half yelled at him in my crazy voice as I rushed him and stabbed him multiple times in the arm and chest killing him before he hit the ground. My hands where covered with blood and it sprayed in my clothes. A nice blood tang hung in the air as I inhaled deeply.

"Aww! To bad ya didn't get to find out my secret!" I said to the lifeless bodies that now lay on the floor. I glanced around and found the door that Shade had left through. I slipped in and dashed along until I found some stairs. I followed them up until a dead end with a door was I front of me.

I opened it slowly and snuck in and hid behind a couch. I heard the buzzing of electricity and assumed this to be a control room. Computers lined the walls but I heard some voices coming from up ahead. I followed them up a small but if stairs and ducked under a table.

Shade and Prince Fang along with Maxwell where all seated along a table with Maxwell kinda floating there and Prince Fang standing because of his wings. Shade sat in a huge throne looking chair with his legs up on the table and his hands behind his head.

"Now. Let's talk about the escapist." Said Shade slyly. He picked up a pencil and snapped it in half.

"What about him?" Asked Fang.

He stopped and looked at him giving him a death glare. " Do you even know who escaped?!" He said angrily.

"Uhh no sir. Who?"


"Look, you need to stop." Said Maxwell. "I can find him and bring him here. If you get the equipment ready we can do this now and then I can go. I don't want to be here alright?"

Shade paused. "Fine. But make it snappy, or else more payment will be needed."


"Now go!!" He shouted and Maxwell disappear led from view.

"Now. Go set up your guards. There will be a battle I can guarantee it." He said as Fang scooted off to fulfill his orders.

I waited for a second until I heard him get up and walk to the back of the room. I quietly made my way to the door and snuck out care to not alert him of my presence.

"Ya hear that Ghostie? Looks like we're going to have some fun!" I said and before he could reply I dashed off towards the main room again. This time, I was going to get a worthy fight and I was going to kick his butt so I could go back to my regular routine of nightly murders and annoying the crap out of Ghost. Hahaha AHAHAHA!!

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