Chapter 11

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*Ghost/Jimmys Pov*

I dashed around the corner and pulled out my knife in my right hand. A guard was standing with his back to me and I stabbed him, making it a quick death.

I rounded the corner and flung open a door leading to a stair well. Voices came from above so I sprinted down the stairs. The voices grew louder and metal scraped against the walls. I came to a lower floor and the voices followed as I banged the door open on the wall.

"Quickly, he went this way!" A male voice shouted, that sounded really familiar to me, Ghost told me to stop and hide around a corner and see who it was.

They came around the corner in full body armor. One was grey and silver with electronic wings from his back with a voice distorter. Another had red bladed armor and the other had older lion looking armor. Ghost recognized the lion girl at once. It was Nycole, Toast and Kat. He took control quickly after that.

*Ghosts Pov*

I jumped out from behind the corner and they all jumped and pulled out a kind of weapon. "Sir!" exclaimed Toast as he came up and hugged me. I noticed that all of their armor was starting to vanish and become replaced with their original clothes in some spots. Half of Toasts mask was gone and he was smiling really big.

"I'm glad I found you guy's, we need to leave this place asap. Shade will die for some reason if I do but I'm not sure how to get out of here."

"Well we can't leave just yet." Said Nycole. "Crystal is still here."

"Okay but I have to leave before Shade catches me, if he does its game over for all of us." I said quickly.

"Okay then here's what we'll do. Kat, Toast, get Ghost out of here. If I don't get back home in a day then assume I'm dead and that Shade is still a threat. I'm going to go find Crystal and we will take down Shade if Ghost leaving doesn't. Sound like a plan?"

"You can't be serious! Shade is too powerful for you guys! He will kill you if he gets the chance!" I exclaimed to her.

"I'm very serious and I'm doing it for you. Do as your told and leave. I don't want your life to be a such a high risk anymore." She responded with a serious glare at me. I looked down and told the others to lead the way as we left Nycole tofind Crystal and deal with Shade.

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