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The memories of the past being to fade away. As I stumble around this miserable castle. My mind once full of memories and thought is now going blank. But I mustn't forget something's right?....... I have to remember....... The shadow is hunting me......I must hurry now.........My name is....is....my name is...... Daniel....... I live in London at.....at...... Mayfair...... I must stop him!..... I mustn't forget......... My name is......is..... I am Daniel.................

I wake up on the cold damp stone floor in a bazaar castle. I don't know why I'm here or how I got here; But I do know I'm Daniel, I come from London I live at Mayfair, a shadow is chasing me, and I must stop someone. I adventure deep into this castle to be able to remember the past and fine alexander and kill him. I find notes, letters, and my journal entries all a lie around this atrocious castle.

I hear haunting voices from the past as I step in these rooms..... The deeper I head the more horrible it gets.....every thing seems to be horribly wrong!!!!! I'm a monster.... I-I-I-I-I killed innocent people to keep myself alive!!!!! I was used and lied to by a person I trusted! I have to stop this madness now! I try to run and flee from this living nightmare but as hard as I try I can't escape my nightmares............

You can never escape the shadow...........

You may run away as much as you want and as far as you can.............

but it's always there right behind you.

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