Iron Angel

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FUN FACT: The spikes in an iron madian are placed specifically to not puncture any main oragns. Which makes the death longer and the victim suffer. COOL HUH?


1/6 deaths

I tried to stand absolutely still in the dark of this iron cage, no not a cage but a casket. Light did make it's way through the small eye slits in this damn casket. It gave enough light to see the spikes that protruded in front of me that mockingly threatened to my flesh if I ever ventured to close. The spikes myriad around my waiting for my body to slip just for a moment.

I kept my breathing faint trying to keep my nerves. I was alone......... absolutely alone not a soul or sound could be heard outside of my imprisonment except for my own breathing. 

How did this happen? 

Why am I in this fucking damn thing? 

Did I do something wrong and this is my punishment? 

Will I die? 

I have to stop asking myself these question I can't answer.  

I need to keep my mind clear...... I need to concentrate..... I must stay alive!

My knee suddenly involuntary jerked forward. I felt the horrible pain of the spikes dig in to my flesh. Blood started trickling down my leg. In blind pain I cringed forwards. My eyes were impaled and soon began to leak.........


They found the man's body wearing a bloody red coat inside the iron angle. His eyes had been stabbed like the rest of him.

"He's been dead for at least two days," exclaimed Alexander "Daniel help me carry the body to the pits."

"Why the pits Alexander and not the Moraga?" Asked Daniel as he picked up half of the body.

"Daniel, the Moraga is to far away it will take to long to get there." Explained Alexander as he picked up the other half.

They left the iron angle and carried the man's body to the pits.


Some parts have been edited!

Because I LOVE you guys I typed this out and posted it even though I feel I crap. BLARG!

This short is baste on one of the six torture rooms. For those who never heard, played, or watched Amnesia the Dark Descent let me explain where this came from. There is a part in the game where there is six torture rooms every time you go into one you see the torture device you can click on it the device and read about how the died but it's in the third person. So I had an idea (RUN!!!!!) it was to put all six torture rooms into first person. And yes I know the end is in third person it was easier to write it in that way. And here just so you can see the original:

The forger stood absolutely still. The casket had been closed but a faint light made its way inside. A myriad of spikes pointed at him. Glittering as they waited for his body to slip just for a moment.

His knee jerked and he felt blood trickle down his leg. In pain his head fell slightly forward. It took him a while to realize his eye had ruptured and begun to leak.

Well that's all for tonight folks will post more when feeling better! 

Don't forget!  






Sinserlly, Lecrazypokemon <3

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