The Brazen Beast

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2/6 deaths

I was being dragged by both arms down stairs into a gain room full of pillars. They dragged me through the room and over a bridge that sat above a huge gapping pit that looked as if it was bottomless and into another room. It was a very simple room but in the middle of the room sat a brass bull and around the out side of the room was water. They let go of my arms and dropped me to the ground. It wasn’t a long fall but it still did hurt.

“Get up you scum!’ The older one of the two men yelled at me. The other stayed quiet but did go and kick me in the ribs.


I scrambled up not wanting to be kicked again. Once I was on my feet one of them pushed me towards the brass beast. I stumped along the dirty moist stone ground till I was in front of the beast. The older one walked in front of me and opened up a hatch on the beast. The other younger one pushed me into the beast.

I didn’t know what to think of the bull as I was forced inside of it. Inside the bull was a smooth brass like the rest of the beast. It was cramped! It was cool! And it smelled like blood! I WAS COMPLETELY UNHAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lid was shut and I was left alone in the dark inside this putrid beast. I completely love it here it’s the best place on earth! WELL IF YOU WHERE BLIND AND COULDN’T SMELL!

I know their still outside doing something…….. But what could it be that their doing?

What the fuck does this bull even do?

Why am I in this damn beast?

What are they going to do to me?

Are they going to starve me in a brass animal?!? How ironic!

What are they going to cook me or something? Like what the witch tried to do in Hansel and Gretel?

[WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next bit is going to be full of gore and very descriptive! So feel free to skip it! OH! And don’t read it if your about to/are/finished eating!]

Slowly I felt the brass floor of the brass beast under me start to heat up. A bit after the whole beat was blisteringly hot! My shin started to bubble and  boil. My flesh began to break and peal and blood oozed out. I could start to see the bones in my handes and feet. Breathing became painfully hard! I started to gasp for air. My head felt like it would implode. I let out an agonizing scream that echied through this fucking brass beast. I knew that this beast would be my tomb.


Outside of the brass beast Alexander and Daniel stood and listen to the beast bellow.

"Alexander, is that man um..... dead?" ask Daniel.

"No sadly he's not dead yet, Daniel." replied Alexander as he turned and started to walk to the door.

"Oh..................... How long till he's dead."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................................................ Give it about tex to twelve minutes. Or just wait till the bull has stopped bellowing."

"Then what do I do?"

"Then you put out the fire and then you wait a wait a while, then open the lid to the bull and clean out the man's remains and dump then into the water. OH and do mind the smell."

"Uhhhhhhhh thank you Alexander. I'll do that."

"Oh and one more thing. Stay out of the water."


FUN FACT: Being cooked alive hurts like hell!!!!!!!!! :D

Original Victom's Flashback:

The traitor did not know what to think of the brass bull as he was forced to enter it. Only when the heat of fire began to scorch his skin and cook his flesh did he realize it was to be his tomb. His screams of pain echoed inside the brass chamber and travelled through the complex instrument which was the bull's head. Outside the men could hear the brazen bull bellow.

Yes another chapter! Finally! YESH! And I did it all in one day!!!!!!!!!!!!! I deserve a box oreos! And my back hurts! Oh and I was reading some of the victoms flashbackes and not all die so ya!

This chapter is about well the Braven Bull!!!!!!!!! If you where one of the people that skipped the end well let me let how it ends!


the end!

Anyways I hope you liked it!

Oh and if you want to see what a Brazen Bull would look like look on the side----------------------------->







Sinserlly, Lecrazypokemon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2012 ⏰

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