Chapter 4

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-- Day 2 Of Nostalgic Nightmare --

After finishing my meal a while ago, I started to think about the plan on how to escape.

But apparently, Sans can read anyone's mind.

So I can't think of a plan.


It's like home, but worse

Okay, now I feel a little bit homesick-

And I hate it.

Sans hasn't come back here after the little moment we had in here so I'm figuring he's out of the house to somewhere else.


I left my house to grab something from Grillby's because I'm hungry and craving for burgers...

Before I left my house two minutes ago, I made sure that Prue's door is locked from the outside (meaning she can't get out 'cause if I locked it from the inside, then she would've escaped easily from her temporary room.) I'm still preparing for the big interview that Alphys requested.

But if you ever think it's all sunny and happy outside, It's not.

It's full of these huge green man-made machines everywhere and magic is in the air. In short, the war is still ongoing.

Since I don't want to be involved in the war that's going on around me, I used my teleporting skills and teleported to Grillby's.

I'm not talking about the Grillby's on the outside, I'm talking about the one that's around The Capital.

The Capital is where all monsters are and where they prepare before fighting.

Sadly, the CORE shut down so we had to expand the CORE here on the surface and decided that The Capital should be near CORE, to supply us with electricity.

Asides Grillby's, there is the headquarters, where Asgore and Undyne (seldomly) are at, there's the training camp, where Undyne and Papyrus train the other monsters (yeah I cannot believe Papyrus is part of the Royal Guard either but despite that, I'm so proud of him.) then there's the Spider Bakery, where Muffet used to work but then her sister, Cake, continued to run it. Cake makes the pastries for the monsters to eat while they're at war. Then there's the Lab, where Alphys is at. Then there's this hospital where Toriel is. she wants to take care of the monsters that were injured during the fight.

And I would agree with the human, I would've killed Asgore if I knew at this point that he declared this stupid war.

Because it's such a hassle to hunt down hostile humans like Prue. 

Prue was the first ever human I captured.

Ever since this war began, Me, Papyrus, The Dogi, Knight Knight and Lesser Dog were assigned by Alphys to capture humans for she will observe their behavior, physical matter and the like. Undyne requested this to Alphys so she can train her army regarding the behavior of the humans.

Papyrus never got to capture one, because Undyne needed his help. The divorced Dogi captured three humans before and two were executed after the interview, the other one experienced sleep paralysis before the day of the interview and died.

Knight Knight captured two humans and surprisingly, the humans were still alive since they were too afraid to interact with Alphys.

Lesser Dog captured one but then was fooled (by petting) and attempted to escape but Undyne caught the human and was observed then executed.

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