Chapter One

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I've always heard rumors of the world ending. Just how are you supposed to believe them. Those rumors come from the same people who tell us that Barack Obama was the one who killed Osama Bin Laden. The truth is that people lie. Was what I just said also a lie? It could be.

The first rumor I heard about the world ending was when I was in 7th grade. Of course we all believed it. We were 12. They made a movie out of it called 2012 and it was probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

My name is Tobias Maclaren. Toby for short. I am the one telling you my story leading up to the time stopping.

It was around 12:00 the Saturday before the incident. It was a warm day for winter. Sun was bright. Not a cloud in the sky. I loved how the sun looked on the frost white snow. Made everything seem so much brighter than it really was.

I was at the kitchen counter looking at my phone while I was eating Lucky Charms. I heard my mom gasp in the living room and the sound of the tv turn off. She stood up, glanced at me for just a moment, then ran upstairs where i heard the door slam and nothing more. A few minutes later the door opened back up and both my mom and my dad walked down the stairs in a hurry. My dad was in sweatpants and a tank top, my mom in a tight red dress. They both walked out the door and drove away, not a word said. They were gone.

That night I lied awake in bed staring at the ceiling, listening to the sound of my fan. I wondered why my parents never came back. They didn't even call.

That next morning, I called my dad and he told me that he was gonna be gone until 8pm tonight. He said not to worry and that everything was going to be just fine. I asked where my mom was and he said that she wasn't coming home. I hung up the phone. I wondered why she wouldn't be coming home. I was very anxious.

It was nearing 8:00 and the more the clocked ticked the more nervous I got. Finally it was 8:00 and he still wasn't home.

8:05. Nothing

8:30. Still nothing. No call. No dad. No mom.

I went to bed. But I couldn't fall asleep. The more tired I got, the more awake I felt.



1:25. I just watched the time fly by. I fell asleep somewhere around 3am and awoke around 5:30am. No sign of my parents. But it still was a monday so that meant it was still time to go to school.

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