Chapter Three

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I watched my cousin drive away after I got out of his truck to go to school. I went into school thinking it was gonna be another shitty day at school. Just another long day where everyone thought they were better off dead than at school. But we also knew deep down we would be just fine.

I was a fourteen year old boy back then. I lived by a simple principle. That no matter how bad things got, someone has it worse. Today was the day that proved that philosophy wrong.

It was nearing the end of the day finally. It was the last hour of the day when something bad happened. My teacher called on me to turn in my homework and I told her I didn't have it. She wanted to know why but I wasn't comfortable in telling my friends let alone her. I told her I just didn't do it and she sent me into the hall.

I waited in the hall for about ten minutes. When she eventually came out she told me how I was an irresponsible student. I didn't really care until she told me I needed to serve a two hour detention.

That hour ended. I needed to call my cousin that j was gonna me an extra two hours. He was fine with it. I went through seventh hour mad at my sixth hour teacher. After seventh hour ended it was 2:22pm and I didn't need to be at my teachers classroom until 2:45 so I had some spare time. I walked outside and it was darker than usual. There was a steady breeze and was kinda cold.

I sat out there until it was time for me to go in. When I walked down the halls and up the stairs, the more steps I took, the more anxious I got. I had a feeling like this wasn't going to end well. Not just for me. Not for a certain person. Just at all.

I walked into my class and there I saw my teacher probably looking up porn on her computer, and the classroom filled with other unlucky people that were sentenced to detention by her. I sat down in a seat facing both the window and the clock. I watched the clock for each tick. I watched. Tick. Tick. Tick.

I looked down out the window. I saw a bunch of birds in the sky. None of them were going in the same direction. As the clock kept ticking the sun got brighter. at least thats what is seemed like. I don't know if I was just seeing things or if the sun was actually getting bigger.

I looked at the clock. 2:58pm. I saw a helicopter fly past our school followed by two jets. That's when I knew something was happening.

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