Chapter Four

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I'm not the observant type. Things I should notice I don't. Things that are very obvious. But just seeing the panic look in my teachers eyes I could easily catch on that something was going on.

I looked at the clock and it seemed to be going slower than normal. I didn't really notice it. I kind of just thought it was from me being bored out of my mind. But as one second turned to two seconds at a time, I realized it wasn't me but something was wrong.

I stood up and asked to use the restroom and my teacher let me go. she didn't say anything. She was staring out the window in a blank stare and kind of just waved me out. When I walked out into the hallway and made my way towards the bathroom, I saw the front doors to the school slam open and almost a dozen armed men ran in and sent me back to class.

I got back in there and soon after a man in heavy armor said for everyone to stay calm. They escorted us all to the class at the end of the hall because it only had one window. When we were in there, they told us to stay calm but how could I stay calm after I had just seen a dozen men with heavy weapons break into our school.

We waited. It's been a while. It was around 4:30 when we heard the sound of a rocket taking off. But there wasn't anything around except the helicopter the men flew in on.

4:40. It seemed like it was 8:00 already. It was sunset.

4:45. One minute before everything stopped.

Men ran into the room we were in. They didn't say anything but they shut the door. Once the clocked hit 4:46 the ground shook. I was terrified. I looked out the window. The sun was still setting but it didn't seem like it was moving. I saw 3 armored vans pull up to the school. Everyone was instructed to sit 20 to a van. there were only around 40 people left at the school so we had a lot of room. I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was lighter than it was. They said I was asleep for almost 2 hours. But that didn't make since. Why's it brighter?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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