Chapter 8 - It's Time

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Dedicated to Pradafashion for being such a supportive reader. <3


I swore I was walking at first. It was even considered a lazy stroll, like what grannies do at the park. But, as seconds ticked by, the carefree stroll turned to a brisk walk, and finally developed into a half-fast-half-slow stride that made me look like an awkwardly limping chicken.

It was not my fault. It was all Carter's.

On my way to Pete's Palace, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I fished it out, thinking it was those sms advertisements that companies desperately sent out to attract business. Imagine my utter shock when I saw a message from Carter that went, "Hey Linda, currently sipping some hot chocolate in Pete's Palace. It's damn good. Hurry up, will you? Carter :)" at twelve in the afternoon.

I almost suffered a mini heart attack upon reading his text. I hated being late, so I had implored Freddy to let me off for three hours for lunch before rushing back again for another advertising shoot.

I planned to set off at 11.45 in the morning, then reach Pete's Palace ten minutes before 1 pm, and rehearse what I was going to say to him in my mind while sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

Too bad my plan failed, now that crazy Carter was there an hour earlier than the stipulated time. Crazy Carter; it actually had a ring to it. I should call him that from now on.

I finally arrived in the restaurant. My eyes immediately landed on a well-built figure that was huddled in a corner of the busy restuarant, casually sipping on a mug that was cradled in his hands. Girls sitting all around him were staring at him dreamily; I might even catch some drool that dribbled down their chins if I bothered to. However, Carter was stupidly oblivious to the amount of attention he was attracting. I stealthily walked up to him, and tapped him on the back with a loud, "Boo!"

His reaction was priceless. The mug that was at his lips jerked up from the sudden movement of his hand, and the hot chocolate scalded his lips. I bit my lip to contain my laughter, and pulled on a serious face.

"Greetings, Carter," I said solemnly.

"The hell, Linda?" Carter said irritatedly as he nursed his lip. Ignoring the death glares that several girls were throwing me, I replied sweetly, "Well, revenge for making me dash all the way here, Crazy Carter,"

Carter chuckled, and his brown eyes scanned my face. "You look good. Found a job with a higher salary?" he asked good-naturedly.

I laughed lightly. Imagine Carter's shock if I told him that I would be known as Lynn to the whole of Maxiwell in just a couple of weeks' time.

"Yes, a really great job," I said, "I get paid for singing."

Carter's nose scrunched up in confusion, before settling into a grimace. "Singing? Linda, I know that it's been hard on you, but you really shouldn't degrade yourself like that."

"What are you talking about, Carter?" I asked in confusion.

"You shouldn't be working as a night hostess, Linda. There are all kinds of evil people there." Carter said, his eyes clouding in concern.

As realization dawned on me, I burst out laughing. "N-no...I'm not a night hostess, you nincompoop!" I said in between breaths. When I finally calmed myself down, I started to recount what had happened in the past four to five months of my life to an exasperated Carter.

After I finished, Carter's mouth hung open like a goldfish. "So. You are going to be in a world-known girl group in a few weeks' time?!" he confirmed, his voice rising in excitement.

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