Chapter 9 - The Witch

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Dedicated to adorkable321 for being such a wonderful reader! :D


The three of us were curled on the couch in the living room, our eyes glued to the three computer screens that were placed in front of us. Each of the three screens showed us the three respective social networking sites that Freddy has created for us yesterday, and had finally put them in use this morning. The numbers were increasing everytime we refreshed the page; and to be honest, it was quite fascinating to watch.

At every ten or fifteen-minute interval, Freddy's voice will boom through the speakers, updating us on our album sale. We were doing surprisingly well for budding artists, much to our pleasant surprise.

Although we have not taken our lunch, and it was already late in the afternoon, we did not feel the least bit hungry. I guessed that the numbers on the screen were enough to fill our stomachs and satiate our crave for food.

"Jeez, Freddy did not just post that," Alicia groaned, thrusting her phone out for us to see. Melody and I both glanced curiously at her screen.

"@Real_Sha_Fusion Oh ma gee! This is aweshum sweeties! Thank chu for all your support! Muacks <3" was reflected on Alicia's IPhone 5, and there were already a thousand retweets of Alicia's post, which was only 1 minute old.

The power of popularity.

"Oh ma gee, do you say that, Alicia?" Melody said in between fits of laughter. Alicia let out an audible growl, and snatched the phone back from Melody, punching in Freddy's number ferociously into the keypad.

She slammed it angrily to her ear, and silence ensued, horror written on the both of our faces. This could not be good. Three letters were flashing in my head, and they were basically: R U N.

So, that was what the both of us did, and we barely made it to our respective rooms before we heard Alicia yelling, "Freddy! You made me sound like freaking Elizabeth Fox in that tweet! Please, remove it, if not I'll..."

I ended Alicia's savage death threats by covering my ears from her deafening voice.


I pulled the hem of my too-short-for-comfort dress down slightly, but the glittery material sadly, still remained some good inches above my knees. Tara had enthusiastically picked out three dresses for the three of us. Maybe I should not even call them dresses; I should call them fine scraps of glittery material. We were all standing in the dressing rooms of the Maxiwell Performing Theatre, and the dressing rooms were not in any way, inferior to the humongous stadium itself.

It had about ten dressing tables on each side of the room, and there were many facilities in here, not to mention the vast amount of make-up and accessories they had here.

Today, we were having our debut performance as a group on the Festival of Songs, where artists or rather, singers came to this event to perform, and receive awards, if you have won any.

The host of the program will be none other than Elizabeth Fox, the beautiful goddess whom all teenage boys worship. She was named "Mini Britney Spears", because she had such a sweet voice, and equally sweet looks. And said Beauty Queen was now sitting right next to me as she expertly flicked her powder brush around, skilfully putting on some rosy blush that made her radiate with a healthy glow, and not make her look like a Chinese opera singer at the same time.

While I sat pathetically next to her, waiting for Fusion's make-up artist to finish Melody's makeup before moving on to mine.

Strangely, Melody seemed to detest the idea of sitting next to Elizabeth, and had not-so-gently pushed me to the seat next to Elizabeth's before hastily sitting down next to me. I had looked at her for clarification earlier, but she looked so uncomfortable at the moment that I decided not to ask for an answer then.

In The LimelightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon