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     Taki's Diner was a small building in Manhattan. To a mundane's eye, it appeared to be abandoned, the sign hanging sideways and the light flickering on and off. Paint was peeling off of the sides, and both of the windows were broken, one boarded up. Under the glamour, it was a cute little Downworlder diner, bursting with early morning activity. The peeling paint turned to a nice pastel yellow, and flowers and vines decorated the outside, claiming it as a faerie business. As the two Shadowhunters and token human approached, Adrian saw a group of vampires slip out and hurry down the sidewalk, hoping to get home before the sun was fully up in the sky. Cutting it close, even for vampires.

"Um, why are we walking toward an abandoned building with a creepy guy standing in the front?" Simon asked nervously, slowing down. Adrian wrapped an arm around his shoulders, keeping him from stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Morning, Clancy," Adrian said cheerfully, stopping in front of the warlock. Clancy's expression didn't change as he took in the very-human Simon. Adrian's arm tightened around him. "The mundane's with us. He hasn't gotten the hang of looking through glamour quite yet. We're with Jace, so we don't need to wait for any free tables." Isabelle stayed silent, letting Adrian charm his way inside. Getting a human who looked confused and frightened inside Taki's Diner usually took some time, and while Isabelle was usually good at persuasion, Adrian was a tad bit friendlier.

"They're in a booth towards the back," Clancy finally sighed, stepping aside to let them through. At the same time, he waved his hand at Simon. Sparks floated in front of Simon's eyes for a moment, and then the mundane was blinking, taking in the un-glamoured version of Taki's Diner with barely concealed awe.

"Thanks," Adrian threw over his shoulder, grinning when Clancy only waved his hand idly in the air as a response. He turned back to Simon, letting his arm fall off his shoulders. "Don't worry, Clancy just made it easier for you to see through the glamour. Like giving you the Sight."

"Temporarily. It won't last forever," Isabelle explained as her eyes raked over the busy diner, "so you better practice." As she searched for Jace, Clary, and Alec, Adrian let his eyes wander over the people frequenting Jace's favorite establishment. His eyes caught a male waiter, who had glanced quickly away when he thought Adrian was about to catch him staring. Adrian waited until his eyes—completely blue, without any white or pupils—were on him again, and then he brought his hand up and wriggled his fingers flirtatiously. Isabelle scoffed beside him. Adrian dropped his hand, turning his gaze toward her. "Really? It's not even six in the morning yet."

"What? He's cute."

"He's also fae."

"You say that like it takes away from his cuteness."

"No, their mind games do that."

"Hypocrite," Adrian said bluntly, enjoying when blood rushed to her cheeks. He raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Did you get into a fight with Meliorn again? If so, leave me out of it."

Isabelle clicked her tongue and changed her subject. "There they are. Keep it in your pants and come on." She latched her hand around his arm to make sure he didn't go and flirt with the waiter, which he hadn't planned on doing regardless. He knew he was intelligent, but he didn't think he'd be intelligent enough to keep up with someone from the Seelie or Unseelie Court. With a sigh, he let her drag him toward a booth in the back. Clary was sitting alone on one side, the other side being occupied by Jace and Alec. Adrian glared playfully at the redhead as soon as she raised her gaze toward them.

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