Shinichi x reader My Heart is Yours

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  (y/n) POV

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  (y/n) POV

You know its hard finding out about my parents are sending me away from them because they cant take care of me. The were sending me to japan where their old friends Mr. and Mrs. Izumi who were happy to take me in. They told me that they have a son who is around my age.

"(y/n) Cheer up okay as long as I am with you I can always make you happy." Your left hand Yuni who is a parasyte said to you.

"Thanks Yuni, but its still hard that I have to leave them behind. Would if your kind comes and kills them." You said with worry and Yuni sighed.

"Its okay. Just call in and check on them okay for now lets just take care of what ever is in front of us." She said and you nod.

"Alright lets go" You said with a lot of confidence and courage in you voice. You stood tall and held onto your bag and walked to the cab that was sitting patiently in front of your house. You opened the door and sat down on the old used car chair.

"Alright to the airport please" you said as you shut the back door.


We just got off the airplane and was now in japan.You looked around and sighed with a smile. You put your left hand to your ear so it looked like you were moving some hair and spoke softly.

"Yuni check it out its so gorgeous here." You said and yuni woke up from her sleep.

"Huh..........Oh its pretty...lets go and explore but becareful ok" Said Yuni. You nod and continued to walk. Couple of minutes you were in town with your bag that was strolling behind you. You hummed randomly seeing all the new random things until you felt a cold chill on your back. You stopped walking and turned around and scanned but saw nothing. You look forward again and jumped. A male was standing close in front of you. A little toooo close.

"Excuse me sir....You scared the living crap out of me. Why are you standing in my bubble" You said/questioned. He didnt seem to say anything except walk closer to you until you just notice his smell. "Oh shit he is a parasyte" You thought

"Sir please back away before something bad happens" You said. You looked around and saw alot of people. "Shit I cant use yuni. Oh right I have the pepper spray" You thought. You looked at him again and used your left hand and stuck it in your pocket slowly grabbing onto the pepper spray. The male growled and grabbed your right arm and pulled. You yelp and pulled out your pepper spray and sprayed him in the face. He yelled which caught some attention from around you.

"Let me go." You yelled. You kicked him in the stomach and when he bent over you kneed him in the face and ran away while still clutching onto your bag (SHIIIT you are awesome lol) You ran to the address that the Izumi's have message you when you were still at home. You got to the front door and you tried to catch your breath. When you did you knocked on the door and waited. Once the door opened you smiled.

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