A consoling killer.

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I woke up to Jeff snoring. I couldn't laugh. Not since I read the paper. I look at my phone. it says 2:30 pm. Holy crap I slept five and a half hours and Jeff didn't even move! wow....that was very kind of him....He looks pretty stupid, snoring with those never blinking eyes staring into nowhere....I still can't laugh....but at the same time....I have Jeff.....The last person left that I truly love....This thought makes me a bit happier but then I realize. I'm sixteen. Some stranger is going to be assigned to me. They'll never leave the house. They'll never let Jeff in. They'd turn him in. I gently shake jeff awake. I've quickly decided what I want to do. 

"Jeff? "  

"huh, yeah?" He grunts and lifts his head, waking up.  

"I want to run away" I say seriously.  

"what? you aren't serious!"  

"no I am Jeff. I don't want to be forced to live with social worker or a foster family. I'd never get to see you again Jeff. Someone would see you." I hug him tight on the brink of more tears.  

"Alright. Anyways I can't stay much longer so you can come with me." His smile looks more kind then crazy.... I reach up and kiss him.  

"thank you Jeff" I say and scoot up so I'm more level with him. He kisses back puts a hand on my cheek.  

"I love you kai."  

"...I-I love you too Jeff" He loves me back! I can't believe it. That sentence makes everything feel much better!


I've packed a few Changes of clothes, Food , four Kitchen knives, My phone and charger, and headphones. Jeff said he's going to prepare something....I grab all the money in the house and my parents, or now my credit card and a few family photos, just important things. Then grab a pen and paper as jeff instructed, and walk outside. Jeff's splashing something on and around the house. Gasoline.  

"Jeff what the hell?"  

"If your running away you don't want someone to look for you do you? Now with the paper write a fake suicide note." Jeff says like its easy. But....my friends.... 

"let me call sam and anika first"  


I call Anika first. 

"Anika? no questions listen to me now. You will never repeat what I'm about to tell you to anyone. Not even the cops ok?! You will get yourself arrested before you tell anyone. promise me?!" I sound insane.  

"yes Kai. I promise. I won't even tell the cops." Anika replies assuringly and truthfully.  

"I'm faking my death. I'm going to run away. I'll probably never see you again. I'm sorry anika.." I start tearing up. I'm saying my last goodbye to my one of best friends in the world. I'll be bawling by the time I call sam. no. I suck it up and continue. "I love you, your my best friend. Live a long life. Send me pictures of you and your family once we grow up. I do the same. If you ever get a phone call from this number or an unknown. answer it. it will be me. goodbye anika...."  

"K-kai why? why are you doing this?"  

"I can't live with a familiy I don't know. I just can't. I love Jeff. I'm running away with him....."  

"oh...good bye kai....I'll miss you...."  

"goodbye anika" I hung up and didn't even call sam. I sat on the lawn bawling my eyes out. I then started writing my fake suicide note, tears splattering the paper. at the end I wrote 'tell sam and anika I love them. Goodbye world.' stood up and posted it to my mailbox. Jeff had gone inside setting up the house for complete destruction. I started to help. We set up every explosive item in the house up so it would be gone in a matter of moments.


I threw the lit match at the house and picked up my stuff and bolted. the house erupted in blueish flame. Jeff ran at my side. Today was not a good day.

*Anika's POV*  

I've been crying since kai hung up. how could she do this? has she decided against her own better judgement. I hear an explosion off in the distance and run to my window and see a house erupt in flames. Kai's. I scream, waking my parents. They run to my room and see outside. They hug me and start crying as well. They know that's her house. But not the full story. no one except I will ever know. The blare of sirens are heard. apparently more people than intended saw. goodbye kai. I'll never forget you. I started crying even harder.  


Woah! sad chapter huh? I had to stop for a bit cuz I started crying as I wrote. Comment if you do too! By the way thanks for over 200 reads!  


Kai The killer (( a Jeff the Killer Fanfiction)) (Watty Awards 2013-2014)Where stories live. Discover now