last authors note!

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Hey guys! how'd you like the book? Thank you all for almost 2.5k reads! it means the world to me!

future plans;

Kai the killer will be a series of three books; Kai the killer, Kai the killer;Zalgos rule and Kai the killer; Alternate story

Zalgo's rule will be a surprise :) but The alternate story is a completely different story instead Kai is a 6 year old child who was falsely diagnosed with Schizophrenia because her best friends are a smiley dog, a man with no face, and a boy who has burnt eyes and a bloody smile.

Enjoy! Again thanks for reading and those of you who read from the very beggining Thank you too! Do me a favor and vote on my chapters! THANKS! I will start to write Zalgos rule and alternate soon!

                       ~Your greatful author,


Kai The killer (( a Jeff the Killer Fanfiction)) (Watty Awards 2013-2014)Where stories live. Discover now