a candle

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Corro gathered up magic energy from the room and then a burst a light exploded in the center. Smoke from the blast was disappearing fast. Although the blast happened in seconds Lunar and Solar where shot to the opposite side if the room while Corro landed on his feet then gently onto his knees.
"Wha... what just happened?", lunar said in confusion. "I don't know but our job right now is to protect the boy, our lives don't matter because Damion can always respawn us.", answered Solar. once the smoke finally cleared they saw Corro on his knees starring wide eyed at something.
"Oh good is just a candle"lunar said with relief.
The candle lit up it flames as Corro's hand lifted up to touch it. "Why are we just standing here?"asked lunar. "Maybe the author just wanted to add a little suspense in this story, now that i've wasted enough time answering your question, let's stop that child!", solar answered. The two dragons finally found their balance and ran toward Corro before he could cause harm.
This was the sound the candle made when Corro knocked it down. Its hard to explain the sound that followed but it sounded like a high pitched tummy growl with phantom of the opera music rising from the fire. "It's too late solar, we gonna die!"lunar said crying. "Quit being so negative, grab the child and I'll get us out of here with the new spell I learned." Solar snapped. "Stand back!"
Solar rolled into a ball and sprouted feathered wings that where a little see through. He placed his wings on the wall and a rainbow colored mist released from them. "Dude the caster of that spell dies, you gonna die!", lunar shouted. "Oh you idiot, I'm not gonna die.", replied Solar.
"Heavenly bomb!!!", Solar enchanted the wall. "Noooooooooooo!", Lunar said as he protected Corro from the explosion.

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