Chapter 7 - Snape Manor

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"Professor Snape"

Severus looked up at the sound of his name and noticed that harry had finally woken up. "Mr Potter I insist that you do not move an inch of that sofa or else you will tear some of the healed wounds, and trust me you will be in agony if some of the wounds on your back re-open. Harry nodded his head and re-placed his head back onto the pillow. He moved his head to look at his potions Professor, who had approached him to asses the rest of his injuries.

Harry decided to keep any questions to himself as Snape had an angry expression on his face. "Well Mr Potter, you can safely sit up but please be careful." Severus drawled as he turned his back on Harry and went to sit back down. Harry went to pull himself up but found he didnt have enough strength in his upper body. "Erm, Professor, I dont seem to have enough strength." Harry said shyly. Severus grimaced and turned back around. He put a few cushions on one end for Harry to lean on, then as gently as he could placed his hands around Harry and slowly but gently moved him into a sitting position. As he was being moved however Harry tried but failed not to scream out in agony. "I'm sorry Potter, I will go and get you a pain reliever." Severus went over to the cabinet and came back with 2 vials. "The blue one is the pain reliever and the pink one will numb any pain you will still feel." Severus grunted after he handed each vial to Harry. "Thanks" Harry took the vials and downed both of them one after the other.

After 10 minutes of sitting in silence Harry decided to ask the question that has been on his mind. "Professor, erm, What happened? and Where exactly am I?" Severus looked at Harry shocked. "Harry, you dont know what happened to you?" Nothing at all?" Severus asked as he moved from his chair and sat by the side of him on the sofa. Harry shifted so he was face-to-face with Severus and shook his head, "Not really, all I can really remember is standing at the cooker, then my hand feeling very hot, then waking up here" Severus sighed, "Harry, your Uncle beat you up really bad, your really lucky to be alive, if your Aunt and Cousin didn't arrive home and owl me when they did then you may not have survived."

Harry paled and looked like he was going to throw up. "Erm how come my Aunt owled you sir?" Harry asked. Severus sighed, "Me and your mum went to school together. I was the one that told her all about our world. When she died, I went to Petunia and warned her to take care of you and if anything came up emergency wise to get in contact with me as soon as she can. I want to promise you now Harry that this is the first time she has contacted me. I did not know that he has been abusing you for so long." Harry hung his head and mumbled something that Severus didnt hear. Severus reached over and tilted his head back up, "Did you want to speak up please Mr Potter."

Harry sighed. "I said. My Aunt Petunia and Dudley didn't know he was beating me up. I was always covering up the bruises and scars with long sleeve tops and trousers. When I got to school I mastered the glamour charm so I didnt have to worry wearing long sleep tops and people asking why I'm wearing long sleeve tops in warm weather."

Tears started to fall down his cheeks and Severus done the one thing that Harry didn't think he would ever do, he reached over and caught the tears on his thumb. Harry was shocked by the change of demeanor of the snarky Potions Professor. Severus shocked by what he had just done snapped out of it and placed his hands back by his sides. "Harry why didnt you go to anyone about what was happening? How come Madam Pomfrey didnt pick up on any malnutrition because I sure did when I did a body scan a few hours before I brought us both here."

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't think anyone would believe me. Would you believe the headlines 'The Boy Who Lived Defeated The Dark Lord - But Gets Abused By Muggles' yeah I'd be a laughing stock of the wizarding world. Can stand up to Voldemort but not to a whale of a muggle. As for Pomfrey, she never brought up any malnutrition whenever I was in the Hospital Wing so I don't know anything on that part I'm afraid." Severus nodded his head. "No-one would have laughed at you Harry, you would have got the help you needed, trust me we wouldn't have let you suffered this long if you had told us." he said gently as he laid his hand on top of Harrys. "Dumbledore did" Harry muttered. Severus froze. "What Dumbledore knew?" he growled.

Harry slowly nodded his head, "I was about 7 years old I think. I remember my Aunt coming to my cupboard saying her and Dudley was going out to get some food and that she needed me to weed the back garden. As they left I went towards the back door, well my Uncle had other ideas and well he beat me up because he felt like it. Before I had a chance to go to my cupboard he had the monthly visit from the 'Elderly Man' I called him at the time. Well it turned out to be Dumbledore. He was angry at first but then he turned a blind eye, and said to my Uncle he can do whatever he wants to me, because once I've done what is needed in the magical world I won't be needed no more, since then the beatings got worse. It just felt as if my Uncle has been trying to kill me before Dumbledore has needed me as his pawn." Harry broke down heartbreaking sobs. Severus couldnt take it no more. He gently placed Harry into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. Harry tensed up at first but then relaxed into Severus arms. Whilst he was crying Severus made a mental note to have a serious chat with a certain headmaster.

Harry had exhausted himself with the crying and fell asleep in Severus arms. Severus felt obliged to not move him so stayed on the sofa whilst Harry slept. Severus subconciously started to run his hand through Harrys hair and thought through what he had heard in the past hour. After a while Severus too felt himself falling asleep.

~~3 Hours Later~~

Harry started to stir and felt something, well rather someone stirring underneath him. He opened his eyes and glanced up noticing that he had fallen alseep on Severus lap, "Oh god, Sir I am so sorry. I didnt mean to fall asleep on you." Harry said looking embaressed. Severus who had actually just woken up himself shook his head, "Don't worry Potter, and while your here, you can call me Severus, none of that Sir or Professor, were not in school." Harry smiled, "Ok just as long as you call me Harry and not Potter. Anyway, where is here exactly Pro- Severus?"

Severus smiled, "Well Harry, You are at Snape Manor. This house belonged to my parents before they left it to me in their will. I don't normally come here during the summer holidays, but since we needed somewhere secluded this was the first place I thought of. If your up for it I could take you for a tour and show you to a guest room you could claim as yours during your stay if you want?" Harrys eyes lit up. "Yeah that will be great, be nice to stretch my legs."

Severus stood and managed to keep hold Harry as he stood. "Wow you are strong" Harry exclaimed. Severus blushed but hoped Harry didnt notice it. Once he was standing he placed Harry in a standing position. "You feeling ok?" Severus asked as he made sure he was ok standing. "Yeah I think so." Harry nodded as he swayed a little as he took a few steps. Severus went to his side and placed an arm around his waist. "How about well do it this way?" Harry shivered at his touched but nodded.

Severus showed him around the many rooms in the Manor. Harry chose the room that was across from Severus just in case he needed him in an emergency. They came to the finaly room which was the library as they approached the door Severus felt Harry was lagging in his walk.

He looked down at the Raven haired boy, "Harry are you feeling ok?" Harry grimaced, "My legs are hurting a little bit and my backs getting a bit sore." Severus stopped and crouched in front of him "Why didnt you say anything? Severus said as he placed he hand on the side of Harrys face. Harry leaned into his touch, "I was enjoying the tour too much." He admitted. Severus nodded, "Well seeing as this is the last room, how about I get you settled in front of the fire with a book, I can summon some more potions for you. I can also get Dinky to get us some dinner if you want." "That sounds great." Harry said smiling.

Severus scooped Harry up into his arms and walked into the Library.



Woop another update :-)

See how Severus is blushing already :-)

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<edited 30/12/16>

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