Chapter 14 - Lily Rose-Marie Potter

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Severus and Harry woke up to persistent knocking on the door. "Harry, come on it's 8am. Are you up yet." Ron groaned from the other side of the door. Harry chuckled as Severus got out of bed pulled on a pair of trousers and went to answer the door.

"Mr Weasley, does it occur to you that some people may want a lie-in at the weekends?" Severus drawled out as he came face to face with Ron. Upon seeing Severus was only wearing trousers, Ron squeaked and mumbled something about breakfast before they all meet up again. "We will be in the Great Hall in 10 minutes Mr Weasley." With that Severus closed the door and walked back towards Harry, who was laughing.

"It is not funny Mr Potter." Harry moved closer to Severus, "Oh but it is Mr Snape." Severus moved his head and captured Harry's lip into a kiss. "I love you Mr Snape." "I love you to Mr Potter."

After 10 minutes Severus and Harry joined Ron, Hermione, Draco and Lexi in the Great Hall for breakfast. "Minerva said she will join us in your room in a few moments, there has been an issue with some first years that she needs to sort out." Lexi said as she noticed the pair sitting down. They both nodded their heads and started to put some breakfast on their plates. Suddenly Ron started to choke on his food. "Ronald what have I told you about shoving a load of food in your mouth at the same time." Hermione tutted. Ron was shaking his head and pointed towards the door. "What is my mum doing here? Ron exclaimed when he stopping choking. Harry glanced up and smiled. "Remus is here as well" he abandoned his breakfast and ran up to the pair of them. Severus sighed, grabbed some toast and followed him. "Harry you need to eat." Severus said as the joined the three of them. "You need your strength remember." He whispered quietly in Harry's ear. Remus looked at the pair and gave a little smile. Harry looked up and reluctantly took the slice of toast from him. Remus laughed, "Too excited to see us ey Harry." Molly tutted, "That does not mean he has to skip a meal though Remus." Remus smiled and pulled Harry into a hug.

Minerva entered the Hall and spotted the four of them talking. "Glad you could make it Molly and you too Remus." She said smiling to the pair of them. "Minerva why are they here." Severus asked. "I just thought that would only be fair if they heard the story of you two as well." She said smiling before walking off. Severus started to shake his head. "Well let's take this back to room shall we, me and Harry can finish breakfast of there." Harry walked back up to Hermione, "Come whenever you have finish, me and Severus are taking Molly and Remus to my room and finishing breakfast up there." Hermione nodded and Draco said they'll be there in about half an hour. Harry gave them a wave and joined Severus as he left the Hall. Remus pulled him aside as Molly started to question Severus about their upcoming nuptials. "Harry I want you to be truthful with me here. Are you pregnant?" Harry looked up into his godfathers eyes and gave him a big wide smile. "Yes. We found out two days ago, we are just keeping it to ourselves for now though." Remus smiled. "Of course, just so you know you would have never have been able to keep it from me, I am a werewolf you know." Harry started to laugh, "Don't worry I was going to tell you, I knew you would have guessed next time I seen you. I just didn't think it would have been this soon after we found out." Suddenly a small figure with long curly black hair ran round the corner and jumped into Harry's arms. Severus soon followed. "Lily what I have told you about running off." He said when he noticed Harry holding here. The girl in Harry's arm mumbled something and turned her head further into Harry's chest. Remus stood there looking confused and glancing from Harry and the little girl to Severus. Severus cautiously approached Harry and placed his hand on the little girls back. "Did Molly frighten you darling?" The girl nodded her head. Severus sighed "Ok darling, I know you didn't expect her to be there when you came through with grandma. Why don't you let go of papa, and we can go back and Molly can introduce herself to you. She really is a nice lady." Lily looked up to Harry for confirmation. "Lily, Molly is sort of your grandma too." Harry said. "Ok papa." Lily slowly peeled herself from Harry, took the hand Severus was holding out to her and he took her back to their room. Harry gave him a look that said 'I won't be long'

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