Chapter 12 - Term Starts

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Severus summoned a house-elf. "Binky, can we have some lunch please." Binky bowed, snapped his fingers, and plates of sandwiches and little knicknacks appeared on a table in front of them. "Help yourselves." Harry said cheerfully as he grabbed a plate and placed a couple of sandwiches on it. After his first couple of bites and satisfied that everyone was getting something to eat Harry carried on talking.


It was a week before the start of the new term of school and Harry was sitting at the kitchen table, when Dinky popped in with his school letter. "Mr Harry Potter, Sir, I have your School letter here from Headmaster Dumbledore." Dinky said holding out the envelope towards Harry. Harry nodded, mumbled thanks and took the envelope from the house-elf. After looking at what he needed for the school year he placed his letter by the side of his and went back to eating his breakfast.

Ten minutes had past until Severus appeared in the kitchen. As he moved around to make a cup of coffee he noticed Harrys letter laying on the table next to him. "Whats that?" he asked casusally, pointing towards to the letter. Harry shurgged. "Just my Hogwarts letter, nothing interesting." Severus nodded, "Well seeing as no-one knows your here and that you should still be at you relatives, and if its ok with you ill send Dinky out to retrieve everthing on your list for you. Do you need new robes?" Harry thought then nodded "Yeah could do with all new school things if im honest." Severus inclined his head and snapped his fingers, suddenly Dinky appeared. "How can Dinky be of service?" "Dinky can you please measure Harry up for new school uniform. Takes his school list and collect all his books as well please." Harry handed over his school list and told Dinky where his key to his vault was. Dinky bowed and after measuring him up vanished out of sight.

"Well now thats taken care of what did you want to do today?" Severus asked as he sat down at the table. Harry starting humming. "Lets see. Well, ive done all my summer assignments. You've checked them, and ive done any corrections and you've re-checked them. Ive also done all my summer reading that I was assigned. I feel like I have nearly read your entire library." Severus started to chuckle. Yes it feels like that to me to." He grabbed Harrys hands. "How about we for a slow walk around the gardens, try and strengthen your legs up, no doubt they'll need it when you start back to school in next week." Harry nodded and began to move towards the door, before he could take 2 steps however he felt Severus pull him back into his arms. "Before that though I feel like you may want one of these." And proceeded to place his lips on Harrys. Harry moulded into the kiss and wished it would last forever, unfortunately Severus pulled away.

Severus smiled down at Harry. "Got to make the most of it now Harry, Wont be able to do that much when were back at school." Harry felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water over him and he had gone deathly pale. "Oh god." He suddenly started to tremble. "Harry, you ok?" "Severus what if someone finds out about us. You could loose your job, I could get expelled. Oh god we did not think this through." Severus pulled Harry into a comforting hug. "Shhh. Calm down. No-one is going to be fired or expelled because no-one will find out about us. Come on, lets go for that walk, see if it will calm you down a bit"

(The night before they go back to Hogwarts)

Harry lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. He had woke up after having another dream about Vernon and was too scared to go back to sleep. Now he was debating whether to go and see whether Severus was awake. Before he could get out of bed he heard his bedroom door open. "Harry everything ok. I heard some whimpering." Harry turned his head and Severus could tell he had been crying by the tear stains on his cheeks. 2 strides across the room and he was sitting on the bed. "I'm here now theres nothing to be afraid of." Harry burst into tears and Severus bundled himself into the bed and pulled Harry close to him and made soothing sounds to try and get him back to sleep. After 15 minutes he thought he was successful so he went to leave the bed and go back to his own room, but Harry tightened his grip on him and begged him to stay. So Severus settled down for the night holding the one person he is starting to love.

(After Arriving at Hogwarts) (Theres No Umbridge Sorry, I cant stand her.) (The DADA is mentioned below but nothing bad happens with him)

Harry sat at Gryffindor table zoned out as Dumbledore went through the welcvome speech. "I would like to give a warm welcome to Professor Merryweather who has kindly taken the post of Defense Aganst the Dark Arts." All the staff and students joined Albus in a round of applause as a middle aged man stood up at the staff table. Hermione nudge Harry who glared at her. "What?" he hissed. "Whats wrong with you? Youve been quiet all train ride and youve ignored all of Professor Dumbledores speech and the introduction of the new DADA teacher." She pointed to the bloke sitting on the right of Flitwick. "Him there. Hes the new teacher."

Harry nodded, "Im tired thats all. Had a rough summer." Hermione looked at him in sympathy, but before she could say anything the food appeared and Ron practically dived on her to get the chicken wing in front of her.

Later on as he got settled in the dormitory Harry knew that the next year was going to be a tough one. One thing or sure he now had Severus on his side. He had lost his trust in Albus now seeing as he had let the absue at the Dursleys get out of hand. For Harry, Albus had a lot of making up to do to rebuild the trust he had for the man, and at the moment Harry was in no forgiving mood.


"He wasnt half bad that Merryweather fellow, as DADA teachers go." Draco chuckled. "Yeah too bad he only stayed a year. How come you took over in our 6th year love?" Harry asked curiously. Severus looked at Harry and the others confused. "Albus never said anything about Merryweathers sudden departure?" They all shook their heads. "No we turned up for the start of feast for 6th year and find out your teaching DADA and Slughorns teaching potions, not one word on Merryweather. I did try asking Professor Flitwick but he suddenly changed the subject to the charm we had just learnt in class." Hermione said.

Severus looked at Minerva and she nodded her head in agreement. "Ok this goes no further then us here." He turns to Lexi. "And it does not get printed in the paper you understand?" Lexi nodded her head in agreement. Severus sighed and glanced around at everyone and settled his eyes on the face of the man he loves. "Merryweather went to Albus a week after school finished and claimed that he had been offered a job somewhere else. Basically it was better pay, better hours the whole shibang. Albus understood, wished him luck and thanked him for his services to the school the past year. The day me and Slughorn finalised our new positions within the school, Moody floos into Albus office and tells us that Merryweathers body has been found on the outskirts of France. Apparently it turns out the job offer was a fake. Merryweather was taken captive the minute he turned up to what he thought was his new job, and when I got the job as DADA Professor he was killed. Voldemort had killed him, all because he wanted me to get the DADA position." Severus had gone pale at this point and his breathing had gone a bit eratic.

Harry got up, sat down in Severus lap and wrapped his arms around him. "Hey come on. Its not your fault love, you were not meant to know that he was going to do that." Severus flung his arms around Harry and burrowed his head in his chest. Minerva stood, "I think its best if we postpone until tomorrow, and as its a saturday we can spend most of the day. Miss Strong I will have a House-elf prepare a room for you and you are welcome to dine with us in the great hall. Children please head back to your common rooms before dinner. Shall we say we meet back here tomorrow about 10am." They all nodded, Lexi thanked Minerva for her hospitality before they left the room, leaving Harry and Severus on their own.

After a few moments Harry spoke. "Severus love were on our own now you can cry if you want." As soon as Harry said that Severus broke down. Through the sobs he could hear Severus muttering the same words over and over again.

"Its all my fault."


Finally an update.

I am so sorry with how long it has been.

I promise from now on I will try my hardest to regulary update.

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<edited 30/12/16>

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