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We soon left the park because our mom wanted us home for tea. "Hi mom" I said giving her a massive hug "hey guys how was school , you make friends?" She asked "yeah we were at the park with them just then " Jack answered "awh that's great guys" she said as passing us both a plate of pizza. After I ate it I just watched some Youtube and went to bed.

I woke up at 7:30 am I jumped in the shower , but didn't wash my hair. I put on my light blue high wasted boyfriend jeans and just plain white top with my black bomber jacket and vans.me and jack ate breakfast and made our way to school. We got there 20 minutes early so we decided to go find the guys from yesterday. Jack spotted them they were all stood around a bench a few of them sat down. I headed over to Mia she was sat with Nash her boyfriend who I hadn't actually met yet "hey Mia" I nervously said "LOU! HI this is Nash my boyfriend" "hi Lou good to meet you" Nash said "you to"

the bell soon whent signalling homeroom "louise!" I turned around to see who was calling me , there was a girl coming towards me "hi I'm Naomi we are in the same homeroom, thought we could walk together" she said with a friendly smile "that would be great" I smiled "so are you friends with Mia, Kayla and Lisa" I asked "yes sorry I should have introduced myself sooner, there's a few other girls as well grace, crystal, Alisha, Caitlin, Olivia. Mary Kate and sky" "wow that's a big friend group" I laughed "yep, but we don't always hang around together, a lot of the girls are always with there boyfriends" she said as we walked into the classroom.

I took my seat in the middle of the classroom next to Nate. miss smith started talking about the announcements "okay guys now for a very exciting announcement there is a big trip coming up to England finding out about its history, there are fifty places for this trip so if you want to go make sure you get your reply slips and a deposit in quick also the trip is for a month" she said as she passed letters about the trip to everyone. I've always wanted to go to England, London especially "do you think you'll go ?" Nate asked "I'm not sure, I'd like to though" "well let me know if you are, I'll go if you go"

lunch time soon came I was with Kayla because we had the same lesson. We went and sat at a round table where I saw the girls sat at yesterday I sat next to Kayla and Caitlin, who I hadn't spoke to before "hi lou I'm Caitlin" " hi Caitlin" "how are you settling in?" "alright I guess everyone is making it a lot easier though" I said referring to the girls around me "awh glad to hear it" suddenly me and Caitlin were being hugged from behind, I expected to see jack but it was Nate, I looked to my left to see Caitlin was being hugged by a tall bleach blonde boy "Sam this is Lou" Nate said to the blonde boy referring to me . "hi I'm Sammy" he said with a flirty smile, I'm guessing he's a fuckboy too. Nate leaned down next to me , took my hand and put a slip of paper in it "see ya later" he said to me while smiling "bye" I said while laughing because I was so confused at what had just happened.

I looked at the piece of paper, it was his number.

A/N-hey guys I hope your enjoying the story, sorry its taking a while but I am going to try and get 2 chapters up a day but if not I will definitely have one xx also I don't want this to be a Nate fanfic the whole way through so if you wanted it to end with a certain guy please comment your ideas.also please give it a like xoxox

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