Chapter 6

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Author's note: I am terribly sorry to all my wattpadlings for not updating in a long time! I had a hard time finding a charger for my out of date laptop XD lol. I keep my main book drafts on their and the smaller stories that I've updated recently were on my phone. Anyways, point is I have a charger now and the book should be done soon :3 bye for now my wattpadlings!

The next day we didn't even sit on the bus together. I simply handed him his umbrella at the bus stop and that was it. He had his headphones in and I was glad because I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't know how to feel about the day before that day. I felt bad for shouting at him to grow up but he needed to hear it from the one person he cared about and would listen to. At the same time, he got so mad at me and called me immature. And then he gave me his umbrella despite the fact that he was mad at me...never mind. I payed no attention to the memories of the day before. I just decided to give him time to decide how he felt about the situation.

In homeroom, Tony came up to me and sat in the desk next to me. He had a sincere smile on his face which was different for once. I was starting to think that the magic of the bet was that it changed him since he had time to think about if he actually liked me or not. Peter simply sat at a desk nearby with his headphones in. It was unlike him to sit alone and not socialize all morning. He hadn't taken them off since we got off the bus.

"Hey babe. I'm so excited about the dance tonight." Tony said; awkwardly trying to start conversation.

"You know what? To be honest, I'm kind of excited too." I said. I gave him a smile and I saw the slightest trace of blush on his face. He started fishing for my hand which was different for me. I froze and awkwardly pretended to be reaching with both hands for something in my backpack. He moved his hand away and just smiled nervously. I looked over at Peter. We just sat awkwardly and looked at each other every now and then; quickly looking away with nothing to say. He looked up from his desk for a few seconds and just smirked when he saw us being awkward like that. We did that until the bell rang.

As we rushed into the hallway, I tried to catch up to Peter but he appeared to be walking fast through the halls to ditch me. He still had his headphones in. When I was still struggling to rush through the crowd, Tony came up to me and put his arm around me.

"Why the rush babe? We still have four minutes to spend together and we're heading to the same place." I frowned.

"I like to get to gym early so I have more time to get dressed out and relax before I have to torture myself with sports." He laughed.

"There's that sense of humor I love so much!" I let out a fake laugh and looked through a clearing of people to see Peter was still not even up the stairs yet. I was just in time to see Lily come up to him and he took his headphones off to talk to her. Her of all people! When he had been ignoring me all that morning! They began walking to PE together and I put my arm around Tony in my anger at Peter. In the locker room, Lily came up to me while we got dressed out.

"You know what you said to Peter was kind of rude." I didn't know who I was more mad at. She had no right to butt into our argument because she didn't know him as well as I did nor did she know me and she wasn't a part of that conversation in the first place. But I was also mad at Peter for telling her about our argument and treating her like a really close friend when he had only known her for a day. And why couldn't he have talked to me about it like a logical friend would do if they were mad and something about what I said bothered him. It was just like him to be so immature and give me the silent treatment and tell everyone else that I'm the one who was wrong.

"No offence Lily but you haven't known him as long as I have. I had every right to say what I said. He needed to hear it. And besides, his opinion you heard is biased and just further proves my point because he was so immature in giving me the silent treatment rather than telling me how it bothered him like a mature friend. Instead he turned to everyone else he knew. I'm honestly so done with being his friend." She gave me a look.

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