Chapter 10

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Author's note: IT'S FINALLY HERE! The last chapter!! *cries* God, I may not have payed this story a lot of attention but it means so much to me because Peter is a character that just essentially is my childhood and as a real person he's the person who would always know how to make me smile. I hope you guys enjoy :3

The last day of school. The day that brings joy and sorrow all at once. You are finally granted time to relax after so much hard work throughout the year and you get the feeling of accomplishment looking back on how far you've come. But at the same time, it is the last day to see the people you love to be around for the whole summer and in my case? The last chance to make amends with an old friend.
Today I had the chance to either let go of my pride and forgive Peter and admit that I was wrong as well, or still wait around for him to apologize. Essentially, it was a choice between growing up a little or staying the same naive me I was the whole school year.
I had decided to apologize. Not everything I said to him was completely justified and this silly feud was not worth losing my best friend. After all, it is our own personal decision to choose when to grow up or not to grow up. And he never lectured me about wanting to grow up too fast. He always had my back and when he needed me the most, my careless words stabbed through his heart.
I didn't know what to think when I got on the bus and didn't see him. He always ride the bus and there was no way he stayed home from school; not on the last day. His mom would've forced him to go even if he was sick and he always loved the last day of school because it was his day to prank people.
When I got to school, we were allowed to go to the classroom of any teacher within our grade. I tried to find Peter, but he was no where to be seen. My heart dropped. Could it really be that I wouldn't get the chance to say I'm sorry? I would carry the guilt for the whole summer. While I could visit his house, his mom wouldn't want me over if he didn't.
I sat at a desk with my headphones on and tried to tune out the noise of everyone around me. I opened my eyes and saw Tony and Lily sitting with each other; huddled up and holding hands. Who knew that we had gone to the dance with the wrong partners and that out of that, Tony and Lily would wind up as a couple? I only wished Peter and I had wound up that way...wait, why did I think that?!?
I turned the music up louder and tried to ignore that of my own thoughts as well. If he was in the talent show, I knew Peter wouldn't miss school. He never missed a chance to be in the spotlight.
Time passes and the teachers bearded us like sheep upstairs to the gym for the talent show. The gym was still freshly decorated with streamers and such from the 8th grade dance and noise from conversations everywhere soon filled up the whole place. The performers were in the hallway between the locker rooms after they had gotten changed. Lily was seated in the middle of me and Tony.
"Have you guys seen Peter today?" Lily nodded.
"He said he'd be in the computer lab practicing. He asked permission cause he said he wanted to get ready and make sure his performance was perfect." The curiosity of what his talent was just killed me inside. I was anxious to find out.
"Do you guys have any idea what he might be doing?"
"No clue." Lily shrugged her shoulders.
"The only talent I know that guy has is for sports. Surprised he never tried out." Tony said. I smiled.
"He never was one for the word 'team' without 'I' in it." The three of us laughed.
"So what's going on with you two anyways?" Tony asked.
"What?" I was oblivious to his question at first.
"You know, you and Peter Pan?" I rolled my eyes.
"Well, 'Peter Pan' hasn't talked to me in a while unless it is small talk and nothing is going on between us."
"And are you guys gonna make up?" Lily asked. I was afraid to answer that question but I'm not sure why.
"I hope..." I sighed. Before she had a chance to say anything else, our principle Mrs.Owen walked up to the microphone on its stand and silenced the whole gym.
"Welcome student body of Morris Hills Middle School to our last day of school talent show!" The audience cheered.
"We have a great many performances today so let's be a respectful audience and without further adieu, I'll hand the show over to our performers."
There were many great performances, but my mind was eager for Peter's; my eyes searched for him rather than the dances and singing. A few girls danced, some people sang, there was a magic act and a comedian. There was only one act left on the program...Peter Macon.
I was completely silent as I saw him walk out towards the microphone. He had a guitar around his arm. He was wearing a dressy white button up, black dress pants and a green bow tie. He sat down in the chair, put one microphone up to the guitar and another near his mouth for his voice. Lily nudged me and smiled.
"Hey guys! I'm Peter Macon...but most of you probably know me as Peter Pan." There was laughter from the audience.
"Before I play this song, I just want to say that graduating 8th grade is like deciding whether to leave Neverland or not. People are going to expect you to grow up because now you are officially a high school student...but you should only leave the Neverland when you are comfortable and ready. It took a good friend of mine to help me become comfortable with it and I hope they enjoy because...I wrote this song for them."
He glanced over in my direction and when he found me in the audience, our eyes locked for a moment. I didn't know what to think and he just flashed me a smile. My breath left me when he began to play the guitar. The instrumental alone to the song was so beautiful and I was in shock that he could play it. What was even more breath taking was his voice.

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