Chapter 9

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When we got on the bus the next day after school, Peter was shocked when I sat down in the front of the bus alone and not in our usual seat in the back with him. He looked hurt but seemed to shrug it off and kept to himself with his headphones.
I put my own headphones in and listened to "Lost Boy" by: Ruth b. once again. Recently, it was all I could listen to and every time without fail I traveled to that moment of such magic when we danced. It was hard to be furious with him when he was so calm and apathetic about it and he had been there for me that night. I sighed and put my phone away. The music was making my thoughts more complicated than they needed to be and I was leaning towards staying frustrated and irritable around him.
When I got home, I put the tv on in the living room and grabbed a bowl of popcorn. I flipped through several channels. There was never anything good on tv and I couldn't help thinking about that Jack Johnson song Peter had once told me about, "Where'd All The Good People Go?" I frowned at myself for thinking about him again. I flipped another channel and found 'Peter Pan' was on. I rolled my eyes and flipped to the next channel just as I heard a knock on the door.
It was storming outside so I was shocked to hear someone outside the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw...
"Peter! What happened to your face?!?" I had opened the door and he had a black eye, a cut on his cheek that still had a little fresh blood running down from it and a bump on his head that had some blood around it. He smiled at me nervously and winced in pain. The cuts were burning in the cold rainwater. He was soaked wetter than the saturated ground after the snow melts.
"It's nothing really. I just...came to get my umbrella back." I frowned at him.
"Are you really not telling me what happened?"
"Are you really not gonna give me my umbrella back? At least invite me inside where it's warm and dry then." I rolled my eyes and moved out of the way so he could come inside. He went to sit on the couch and I stopped him.
"Excuse me but you're soaking wet. Let me get a towel before you sit on the couch. Geez!" He rolled his eyes and sat down on the towel I placed on the couch.
"Now...why are you so beat up?" He stayed silent and acted oblivious to my question.
"Why aren't you telling me?!?"
"I came here for my umbrella. I'll be on my way after that. I didn't come here to talk."
"Was it your mother again?" He froze.
"What did she do to you?" He bit his lip as if holding back the words that wanted to pour out.
"She had nothing to do with this..." He trailed off; the tears he was refusing to let out becoming more and more obvious by the minute.
"I'll be right back with your umbrella and some ice. I'll put Peter Pan on since it's on tv. If you don't answer me by the time I get back, I'll ask her myself because whatever she did was extremely uncalled for and was wrong." Peter looked out the window at the pouring rain and once again simply bit his lip. It bothered me that he wouldn't even smile at the movie he so adored. I came back and handed him the umbrella and gently rested the ice on his head and put a bandage on his cheek.
"Now...tell me what happened."
"I told you it was nothing! Why do you care anyways?" I couldn't believe his stupidity. I began to laugh mockingly.
"'Why do I care' he asks. Because I'm your friend and that's what a true friend does."
"I don't consider you a friend anymore." Those words were salt in the wound. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and looked at him expectantly.
"Fine...don't answer me. You got what you came leave." Peter got up silently and walked out the door. I slammed the door shut behind him and crossed my arms. A few seconds later, I turned my head and curiously peaked through the blinds out the window. He had looked back in the same way I did, but he didn't see me watching him. He turned around again and walked back towards his house with his umbrella out.
I went to my room and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was Friday; the last day of school and the talent show. I could not believe that as of the next day, I would officially have graduated from middle school. But the thing that scared me the most was Peter and me going into high school. Everyone that your parents know will look at you and hear that you're in high school and say, "Look how big you're getting!" And I know it bothered Peter to hear that from people. But it was too bad; whether he liked it or not, he was growing up. I decided to stop thinking about it and to go to sleep.

Author's note: the next chapter will be the last one!!! >w< I can't believe I'm almost done with this book! It brings back so many memories. I'm gonna try to update it as soon as possible but I want it to be perfect with what I have planned so please wait patiently :3 bye for now my wattpadlings!

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