~House Of Outings~

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"Joy! Hurry up! You going to make us all late!" Mara and Patricia complained beside her.

"I think it's good to take your time slowly. A bit like butterfly, waiting patiently to spread their wings and fly off to freedom," Willow said whilst she made her hands fly off like a butterfly. Her eyes widening, wondering what it would be like to become like one.

"Um, that's nice Willow," Joy shrugged her shoulders, only half listening.

"You're about as slow as a.......a leopard," Patricia grumbled.

"Patricia, leopards aren't slow. They have the widest range of habitats of all the big cats. This has allowed them to survive in various different geographic areas. One of the most extreme example, is the amazing snow leopard which lives in the Himalayas," Mara stated.

"Oh whatever, a rabbit then," she muttered, but Mara heard.

"Patricia! Rabbit's aren't slow!" Mara exclaimed indignantly.

Joy was just finishing the touch ups to her hair which she had especially styled for the night.

"Alright guys, I'm ready," Joy smiled at herself in the mirror.

But nobody heard her. Patricia and Mara were arguing about animals, and Willow was still making her hands fly like a butterfly.

"Ermm, guys?" she asked frowning.

Still no answer.

"People, listen to me! I am ready!" at last she shouted.

"Huh? What?" Patricia, Mara and Willow suddenly jerked their heads facing Joy.

"Let's go," she urged.

"Okay then, no need to shout," Patricia said as she walked out of Joy and Patricia's bedroom with Mara and Willow at her heels.

Joy sighed and rolled her eyes at how thick Patricia was. She suddenly remembered they hadn't decided what they were going to do for the night, so she quickly ran out of her bedroom, down the stairs and over to the front doors of Anubis house.

"Hey guys wait up!" she shouted while pushing open the big ornate doors. "What are we going to do tonight?"

Patricia, Mara and Willow stopped and turned around smiling.

"Uh, what are you smiling about?" Joy asked suspiciously.

"What we're doing tonight, is a complete surprise to you. While you were getting ready, you gave us enough time for us three to decided the plans for tonight," Mara said factually.

"Oh I can't wait, SQUEE!" Willow exclaimed excitedly.

"Ermm, okay then?" Joy frowned.

She wasn't really a person for surprises, she had always preferred knowing what was happening to her. With everything going on at Anubis House, you didn't know what was going to happen. Joy thought back to the time when she had helped Sibuna complete the game of Sennet. She was so nervous since everyone in Sibuna was counting on her. But after that fast heart-beating experience, Joy couldn't stand the pressure. So she quit.

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