~House Of Comfort~

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Patricia, alongside Fabian and KT, walked into a sight that she hadn't expected to see. Fabian had finally convinced her to start coming to Sibuna meetings and to act exactly like she had last time this situation had occurred. Patricia reluctantly agreed to do so, and had come with them to tell Nina and Eddie; the two people that she wanted to avoid the most. She had decided just to ignore KT, focusing on the fact that Nina and Eddie were the bigger problem.

And the evidence was clear. It was laying flat on the table in front of her. She was watching Nina and Eddie kiss. Patricia didn't know what feeling came over her in that moment. Anger...regret...jealousy? But what she knew did happen was that her eyes were in fact brimming with tears.

She turned around and stormed upstairs, slamming her door hard behind her, releasing all the anger that was boiling up inside her. She flopped down onto her bed and stuffed her face into the nearest pillow, her eyes becoming deep green pools. Joy suddenly came running in through the door. Patricia looked up and grunted before collapsing back into her bed.

"Patricia, are you okay?" She asked tentatively.

"I'm not talking to you," Patricia replied bitterly.

"Alright, I'm sorry for not telling you. I really am. But Willow wasn't meant to tell me in the first place, and then I saw Eddie and-" Joy started ranting, but got abruptly cut off by Patricia.

"Who cares about that cockroach?" She spat.

"What?" Joy asked quietly, sitting next to Patricia on the bed, "Is this about Eddie?"

Patricia sighed. She decide to let Joy comfort her. She knew that Joy had the best intentions as her best friend, and that she kept Patricia's best interests at heart.

"What happened?" Joy questioned sympathetically.

"Eddie kissed Nina," Patricia summarised.

Joy gasped in a very high pitch and Patricia stuck her face back into her pillow once more. She grasped her pillow and squeezed it; for what reason, she didn't know. It just brought her comfort. Her breaths became sharp and audible between sobs and Joy rubbed her back to try and calm her down.

"Hey?" Joy whispered, "Where's the old Patricia? My best friend? The one who'd never get like this over a boy?"

Patricia turned, still lying down and faced Joy. Both girls had a smile plastered to their faces, that seemed impossible to rip off. Joy's smile seemed to wash over Patricia and it just had a sense of calm; something that, for Patricia, wasn't very easy to come by these days.

"I'm having a rough time too, remember? What's important is that we get through this together," she said as she embraced Patricia in a comforting hug.

As they let go of each other, Patricia wiped her tear stained eyes, and threw back her wet hair that had gotten in the way of her crying.

"Patricia?" Joy asked again. "Can you promise me something?"

"What?" She asked.

"Don't try to get revenge on Eddie," she pleaded.

"Why not?" Patricia asked.

"Please will you just trust me?" Joy begged.

"Alright," she agreed.

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