5. "We're going on a fieldtrip!"

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Walking into school was the same as any other day. Nobody talked to me and I talked to nobody. This morning when I woke up, Jason wasn't there. I was almost positive he didn't come in last night, so I wasn't sure if her be in school today. 

I wasn't really going to think much about it, because, he usually skips school. That was just his crowd. It surprised me how he even made it to Senior year.

The weekend that we had was alright. On Saturday, after he got himself cleaned up he left to go hang out with Mari. I stayed in and finished some homework.

Sunday, I got up and went to church. He slept in and when I came back he was gone. I wasn't sure where he went but I didn't think to ask - not that I had the chance. Instead of staying in the dorm, I decided to go to the library. It was fun, I guess. I saw Bryce there(he worked there and him and I were much alike.)

Bryce was 21 and I was 17...18 in just a couple of months. When he went to high school, people often thought of him as a nerd, but he managed.

He was a real cool person to be around. He was goofy but serious at times. Whenever I'd go to the library and he's there, I usually help him with the books or whatever, just so I could spend some time with him. You could say, that I have a small crush on him.

I made my way down the hallway towards my locker. Right now I had English 4. We were getting our tests back and I was kinda excited. Mrs. Gabriel had told us that shed be grading the tests during the weekend so we'd have our grades for today. 

As I made my way down the hall towards the classroom, my eyes landed on Jason and Mari. They were both standing at his locker. His hand was placed lightly on her hip and they looked like they were engrossed in some serious conversation. I could see the scar and bruises that he had from here, if he was in agonizing pain he was doing a real good job at hiding it. 

I glanced up at the clock that was placed on the wall across from me. Class was going to be starting any minute now. I finished my journey down the hallway, towards the classroom. Once I reached the classroom, I walked in getting in my regular seat at the head of the classroom; waiting for class to start.


Groaning, I pulled myself from Tanner's uncomfortable kitchen floor. I wasn't sure what happened last night, but my head was spinning.

All I remember was Derrick giving us multiple assignments and me getting in an argument with Mari. Apparently our four month anniversary was that day and I was suppose to make reservations at some restaurant she liked...but, I forgot. 

I was busy all day and I couldn't find the time to make the plan..or even go see her. Derrick was still pissed at me for what happened with Dallas, so he was giving me all this difficult shit to do. Some times, I want to stick it to him good....but, he's bigger than me and stronger than me. Plus, if he wanted too he could have me killed in seconds. 

I was dead tired and I was seriously thinking about not going to school today. I honestly wasn't up for it. But, than I remembered all of my absences and how I was determined to pass this year. I had to pass. I needed to be finished with school, for good.

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