21. "I wanted to dance with you."

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"But he so does!" I exclaimed, staring over at Daisy with wide eyes. I was trying to get her to see that Jason was completely head over heels for her. I knew that he should be the one telling her this, but I couldn't stand around anymore and see him act like a total love sick puppy while she was completely oblivious to it all.

"No, he doesn't." She insisted, reaching over and grabbing her smoothie and taking a large sip out of it. Her eyes scanned the room around us as she reached up to run her fingers through her red hair.

I let a loud sigh leave my lips. She just wasn't getting it and it was irritating me. I wished Jason would just grow some balls and tell her that he liked her. I've known Jason ever since seventh grade, when I first moved here. He was still a player back then and him and Mari were still a thing.

He talked to me on my first day. I was in his study and sat right behind him. Once I walked in, he asked to see my schedule. I showed him, obviously and right then we started talking and became friends. That only lasted for a few weeks, though. Mari didn't really like me, so once she found out that we were friends she made sure that he stopped talking to me all together.

At first, I was upset. Since Jason was the only person that made an effort to talked to me, he was the only friend I had, but then Julia came into the picture and everything was alright. Julia was a friend of mine. Her and I were still friends, but I haven't really talked to her in a while since I've been hanging out with Daisy a whole lot more.

Daisy was cool, I liked hanging around her. I remember in middle school when her, Mari and Monica were best friends. She was still the odd one out, but they talked to her the same. The only difference was, Daisy didn't get boyfriends.

While Mari was on and off with Jason and Monica was spending most of her time kissing boys after basketball games, Daisy spent a whole lot of time doing her school work and making sure her projects were done. I wasn't sure how they became friends, since they were so different, but I knew now that their friendship wasn't real, because if it was, they wouldn't have ditched her in the beginning of Freshmen year.

"We're going to the fair tonight, right?" Daisy asked as she searched through the bags that were on her bed. We had just came back from shopping. I finally convinced her to come with me and once we got there, I went crazy. I loved shopping, it was like the best thing ever. I love clothes and I love shoes.

Daisy didn't really seem that interested, but I got her to buy a few things and I definitely wanted her to wear this outfit when we went to the fair tonight. She'd look so perfect in it, Jason would sure love that.

"Yeah, definitely." I nodded, using my thumb to scroll through the messages between Dean and I on my phone. We've gotten really close during these past two weeks. I don't know how, but we have. Especially when we went to the mall together – alone. The whole time we were walking around together, he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders and my arm was wrapped around his waist.

He was cute. I didn't like him, but he was really attractive. I liked the way he carried himself and loved his style. He knew how to dress and I love a guy that knows how to dress. I couldn't see us in a relationship in the future, but I could definitely see us being more then friends..friends with benefits maybe?

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