Quality time with the guys

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 Starlet POV

My little brother Ben who turned 14 yesterday, asked me if I could take him to the pool hall and teach him how to play pool so i got dressed and took his to the pool hall.

"So you excited to go to the pool hall?" I say

"Yea, it pretty cool spending time with my sister" he said

Awww, so what's the real reason you want me to teach you pool? I said

"Its this girl she loves to play pool and there's this pool party on Friday and she asked me to go but i don't know how to play that's why I asked you." He said

Oh, Okay... I said.

We arrived at the pool hall.

I heard someone calling my name.

Scar! Scar! SCAR!!!, It was Trevor, we walked over to say hi

"Hey guys didn't expect to see you here" i said

"Hey scar are there these the guys you were talking about in your dairy!?" he said

"He went around the table, you must be Franklin the really cool guy with really cool hats and your Michael the guy who treats my sister like the dad she never had and your must be TREVOR! The guy who my sister thinks is cool and cute and she really li-"I covered his mouth before he could say other word.

"Alright guys I got to go teach this bigmouth how to play pool bye guys!"I say

"Bye!" they all say 

Hey scar after you and your brother play pool hose about I take you and your brother out for ice cream? 

"That would be-AWESOME! Can we scar please? !?!?!!" He said

"Okay." I say 

"Yay!" He said

Hey scar isn't that your old boyfriend James over there?

"Oh my god, he's coming over here" i said

"Hey scar"... James said

"Hi"... i said

Bye! I said

"Oh come on scar give me another chance!?" He said as he grabbed my arm

"Let go of my arm!!" I said but he squeezed it harder

Ow that hurts James stop!!! I said.

"Hey she said let go so let go! Buddy!" Trevor said as he punched James

"Oh my god Trevor thank you so much!" I say as i hug him.

Trevor POV

"Hey trev can I talk to you?" Ben said

"Sure kid." I said

"So what did you wanna talk to me about kid?" I said

"I know you like my sister " He said

How'd you know? I said

I see the way you look at my sister and my sister looks at you.... he said

"Okay  i do like her but don't tell her!!!" I said

Okay I wouldn't but just to tell you...  She likes you too i know it. He said

We went back to scar. 

"So can we go get ice cream now!!" She said

"Sure" I said

RACE YOU TO THE CAR!!! Ben said 

We all ran to the car.

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