Chapter 10:

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A few more weeks and training of my mind and my body were all that were needed to learn how to shift and de-shift at will. Mark watched as Sean taught me a few basic fighting moves and once even pulled his claws on me.

"(Y/N) keep your eyes off of Mark he's in no danger you are, now head forward and back straight. Focus." Sean said and jabbed at my side striking it with elongated finger nails that now resembled sharp pointy daggers. He'd sliced my side good a clean cut dribbling blood onto my plain white t-shirt.

"Sean stop she's hurt!" Mark called frantically from his place on the back porch. I looked up at Mark and gave a small reassuring smile and then turned on Sean. My teeth sharpened to their long canine resembling points and my own sharp claws emerged from where my fingernails had been two seconds ago. Sean made for another lunge, but I parried and grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and listened to a sharp pop resonate through the air followed by a second yelp of pain. My eyes widened when I realized I had dislocated Sean's shoulder.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Sean I didn't mean to!" I said helping him to his feet. With a sickening crunch though he'd pushed his shoulder back into place and got into fighting stance once more. I was too slow this time when I saw it coming, Sean's claws sliced through the air and collided with my ribcage cutting me deep. I shrieked and fell to my knees for he had also knocked the wind out of me. Instantly warm hands pressed on my wounds and I found myself in Mark's arms.

"(Y/N) don't worry about others, that's how you get killed." Sean said coldly staring down at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Enough training for today Sean, go home." Mark said and suddenly I wasn't as afraid of Sean but I was afraid of Mark's tone of voice, something threatening rattled behind it and thinking of Mark angry made me a little scared. I watched as Sean walked off and hopped into Mark's car driving home with it. Mark pulled some gauze and medical tape out of a little medic bag he'd had prepared for training sessions. I sighed with relief when the wound was covered by antibiotics and bandages. Mark's eyes were sad as he looked at me something else was hidden in those eyes, something that looked like fear. Now early April Mark and I had been dating for 4 months and Sean had arrived a little over a month ago to teach me, in that small time frame I had received 5 major cuts that required immediate Mark medical attention and 12 that weren't so urgent and one bite that Mark insisted I put a large amount of antibiotics on. Mark helped me get up and hobble over to sit on the steps of the wooden back porch.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N) if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be getting hurt so much." Mark sighed hanging his head not even looking at me.

"Its fine, I can deal with these, they heal fast thanks to this thing that I'm becoming." I said shrugging a small smile on my lips. Mark shook his head and let another sigh escape.

"I'm sorry about that as well, I didn't know you were going to turn into this dragon-y type thing." He said his gorgeous brown eyes melting my heart but not my stubbornness.

"I'm fine Mark, its fine, everything is fine, you know why? Cause nothing bad is happening here, just change. Change isn't bad is it?" I asked him and this time he dropped his gaze from mine.

"At least try to see the good babe, please?" I said and felt nauseous as I let out my little whine. He still didn't look up but he grabbed my hand without a word.

"Fight with me then, hand to hand combat, no weapons, alright?" Mark surprised me by saying. I nodded slowly but then jumped on my answer.

"Not tonight, tonight I just wanna relax and chill."

"Netflix and Chill?" Mark asked.

"Netflix and Chill leads to children so no thank you, also I don't have Netflix." I replied almost as quickly.

"Why? I wanna Netflix and chill." He said pouting like a little kid.

"Abstinence before marriage bruh, got to respect it." I said and giggled at his expression.

"Oh, catholic eh?"

"Yeah 100%, plus you didn't make dinner or do the dishes at your house." I laughed and he intertwined our fingers making me smile. The inside of the house was cool as we made our way inside and sat down on the couch. My other three roommates were watching the scorch trials. A few minutes later the movie was over and everyone had gone to bed but us. I sighed sad my roommates didn't stick around. I was snuggled up close to Mark with my head on his chest and underneath his chin. Then unaware I was doing so I nodded off into a deep sleep.

Markiplier X reader: Red HeadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ