Chapter 13:

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Mark's POV

I laid in (Y/N)'s bed with Aristotle by my side and jumped when I felt my phone buzz sporadically playing The Hills by The Weeknd the ringtone (Y/N) had picked for herself despite my persuasive attempts.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up? How's the girls night goin? Anything spontaneously combust yet?" I joked and I heard her sarcastic snort in response.

"No and its goin fine, but I wanted to ask you something real quick if that's ok." She said curtly and suddenly I was a little suspicious and scared.

"Sure shoot." I replied trying to keep my tone even.

"Mark would you, good gods, would you be fine with me moving in with you?" She asked and I heard her intake a sharp breath. I was surprised and slightly confused.

"Hmm, sure but I have to ask you something in return, how did you come upon the idea of moving in with me?" I asked, Aristotle looked at me and huffed a steamy breath in my face. I gagged on his horrible dog breath.

"I guess it was partially my thinking with the encouragement of the girls and Matt and Ryan." I frowned. What did the boys have to do with this?

"Okay well aren't you supposed to be getting back to your friends?" I inquired and as if right on que I heard a slightly tipsy Caroline snort and laugh immediately afterward.

"Totally and I'm becoming an alcoholic too." I could practically hear the smile on her face and I laughed loudly.


"Goodbye love." and with our little goodbyes she ended the call.

Your POV
Me and the girls were walking down a sidewalk leading to our hotel, the cement still warm. Caroline hiccuped and I laughed because she had only had one cup of sake and that was just to try it.

"(Y/N) why did you let me drink that stuff?" She groaned pressing her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose. I smiled and she silently flipped me off. The hotel now in sight I felt my shoulders relax a little but just as I did a smell and a shiver made my skin crawl. It smelled horrible, like something straight out of the ground from being there about 6 months. Death and decay was the smell and it was stabbing my nose with its putrid foul odor.

"Uck do you guys smell that?" I asked and covered my nose trying to keep myself from inhaling the scent. They all shook their heads no and we continued walking. I had gotten a little text from Mark telling me when I could bring my stuff over and things like that when I unexpectedly ran into a large warm and solid figure. Bouncing back a bit from the sudden impact I looked up into large brown puppy dog eyes on a boy in his teens and a wet dog smell slightly mingled with the scent from earlier.

"Sorry I didn't see you there." I mumbled and tried walking around him to get to my friends who were traveling a few feet ahead now. Just as I made the attempt to catch up I felt a hand on my arm pull me back gently. Glancing around in confusion I realized it was the teen and suddenly his eyes were frantic.

"Ma'am what are you?" He asked and I felt myself freeze a little. How on earth did he know already? Did he even know? Were my eyes shifted? The thoughts raced through my head as his gaze bore onto my face.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean." I said yanking my arm from his grasp. He looked at his hand briefly before setting it back against his side, he must not have noticed he had grabbed me.

"Sorry, but I think you know what I mean." With those words his eyes shifted not black and red like mine but like a normal human eye, although his irises were red. Aside from the eyes he opened his mouth making it look like he was going to speak when really all he was doing was showing off very pointed incisors. I felt my eyes starting to turn red as my heart started to beat a bit faster in my chest. Who was this boy? Why did he seem so different from Sean and I? Maybe it was because he was, maybe he was something else. I didn't have time to ponder over whether or not he was different because as soon as he had been there he had left, I was now alone and slightly startled when Dacey's hand clamped down on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)? What the heck are you waiting on? C'mon lets go watch some movies! Specifically with Channing Tatum in them." She said dragging me along with no other explanation or concern of what had just happened.

{ If you are curious of who the frightening young gentleman is in the Picture above it is none other than Tyler Posey playing the role of Teen Wolf's Main character Scott McCall, I'd recommend you watch this show because it is amazing in every way shape or form, Love you all. } ~Markliter.

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