1:26am Monday

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"Western Star Storage, how may I help you?"

"Hey Brenner, is everything okay? You sound kind of down."

"Oh hi Selene, uh yeah, everything's fine."

"Everything doesn't sound fine; do you want to talk about it?"

"I broke up with Laura, turns out she's incredibly close with one of mates. So close in fact that when they greet each other, they make out for a full minute before they realise that their friend and boyfriend is standing right there."

"Oh Brenner, I'm sorry."

"Funny thing is I was there to surprise her for our anniversary, can you believe that. I organised someone to watch here for a bit so I could go and wish her happy anniversary in person and bam. Cheating ex-girlfriend."

"Do I need to break a bitch's nose?"

"Wow, that's the first time I've heard you swear."

"Yeah well, nobody hurts my friends."

"We're friends?"

"Of course, and hey you've got a better anniversary tonight anyway. Forget about her, because it's our one-week anniversary."

"Thanks Sel, you put a smile back on my face."

"You're welcome Brenner, and I really am sorry that you had to go through that."

"Yeah, anyways. Moving on, how have you been lately? We haven't talked in a couple of days,"

"Yeah sorry about that, when I missed those couple of days of school turns out I missed pretty much everything important to happen this semester."

"Ah that sucks, oh by the way you're a lovely singer,"

"Uh, thanks? When did you hear me sing?"

"You butt dialled me earlier this evening,"

"I did? Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed."

"Why? You really are a good singer though. What song were you singing?"

"Uh Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy."

"Ah, nice. So I take it you like Fallout Boy?"

"Love them. I'd love to see them in concert one day."

"Oh yeah-. Oh my mobile's ringing,"

"Wait which phone are we talking on?"

"The company one, I'll just check and see who's calling. Oh it's Laura."

"Oh, do you want me to go?"

"No, no. Can you just hang on a sec?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Thanks. Hello Laura, what do you want? You know I'm at work. I don't want to talk Laura. Did you seriously ask me why? You cheated on me! With my friend! Well ex-friend now. We're not going to work this out. Like I said, you cheated on me.

"Look Caelin's getting restless I've got to go. Don't you dare say anything about him. He never once did anything to you, sure he didn't like you but now I know it was for good reason. I've got to get back to work-. Excuse me? No, I did have time for you, I made so much time for you. Even when I had been working all night, I still dragged myself out of bed just to spend time with you. I made all the effort. We're not getting back together Laura. I wish you all the best for your future, but I'm not going to be in it. Goodbye."

"You still there Sel?"

"Yeah I'm here, you okay?"

"Yeah I will be. I never really realised what kind of person she was. Oh well she's out of my life now."

"You want to talk about something else?"

"Yeah, what were we talking about earlier?"

"Oh the phones, will you get in trouble for talking to me on this phone all night?"

"Uh, I don't think so?"

"Maybe we should exchange number's and we can talk on those instead of your work phone. Only if you want though, don't feel like you have too or anything-"

"My, my and you asking for my number? So forward, I'm flattered Sel, really,"

"Oh shush you,"

"Sorry, but that's a good idea. I have your number here so I'll text you mine."


"You sound really tired, I'll let you go to sleep now okay?"

"Thanks Brenner, goodnight."

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"


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