::Chapter Three::Kindness::

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::Chapter Three::Kindness::

Carmine’s POV

'74 Norther Ave. She'll be there.'

Sighing, I slip on my leather jacket and put my cell phone in my pocket. Pushing open the basement door, I head out into the blazing sunlight, hoping for a clean escape.

"Carmine?" my mother's voice rings from the garden.

"Damn it," I mutter as she walks towards me. "Yeah, mom?"

"Where are you going?" she asks, raising an eyebrow as she stops in front of me.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I tell her the first lie to come into my mind. "I'm going to visit Iz, I'll be back by dinner. Five, right?"

"Yes," she nods warily with a sigh, her dark blue eyes searching mine. "Be careful."

"I will," I mumble, shoving my hands back into my pocket after a quick wave.

A guilty feeling spreads through me as I walk away from the house, the lie ringing through my mind. Visiting Iz? Not even close. Walking down the block quickly to get out of my mom's range of view, I change to a jog. Coming to a stop in front of the large house in front of me, I run up the stairs and yank the door open.

A loud moan from upstairs makes me smirk. Apparently they aren't quite done up there. Maneuvering past the furniture in the living room, I stop at the bottom of the stairs, craning my neck to hear better.

"Red!" a female voice yells. "Please, stop! Please!"

"Shit," I swear, running up the stairs. The doors in the hallway are all locked, but a strange light comes from the crack of a door down farther.

Grabbing a credit card from my wallet, I pick the lock and push the door open worriedly. BDSM can get dangerous, why the hell is the man not listening to her? Looking first at the room, I wrinkle my nose in disgust at the chains and whips laying around. 

My eyes widen as I take in the leather bound girl on the floor, a man about twice her age holding a whip high above her. Please don't recognize me.

"Carmine?" she gasps.

“Get away from her,” I growl at the man, running towards the girl and moving her out of the way.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” the man snaps, throwing the whip on the ground. “Can’t you see that I’m busy?”

“I’m saving this girl’s ass, obviously,” I sneer. Looking down at the whip, I can’t help but smirk slightly. “In more than one way apparently.”

“Well you can’t have her until I’m done!” he exclaims, narrowing his beady eyes at me.

“I think you’re already done,” I glare. “Blaire, let’s go so you can explain to me just why the hell you’re here.”

“You’re not going anywhere until I get my full hour,” he snarls, pushing her back on the ground. “I paid in advance, I’m getting what I paid for.”

“Look, I don’t want to cause a scene,” I sigh, walking closer warily.

“I said get out,” the man yells, throwing a punch towards my face.

Grabbing his arms, I twist it back, listening in triumph at the sound of the crack. Pushing him back, I grab for Blaire’s arm, but a hand grabs me and push me back, sending me spiraling into a wall of chains. One wraps painfully around my arm, the cold metal biting into the exposed flesh. Yanking it away forcefully, I throw it on the ground, ignoring the searing pain in my arm.

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