Chapter 18- The truth

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Justin's POV 

I put my beer down on the counter, looking up from the floor to meet Chaz's gaze. 

" They are suspicious of us kidnapping Ashley, we were on the news Chaz, we could go to jail" Ryan spoke, disappointingly. 

" We were on the news? How? What? Who saw us?" Chaz panicked, pacing around the kitchen. 

" We don't know who saw us, all we know is that, someone did, and they reported it to the police" I said quietly, fiddling with my fingers.

" UGH! I told you we'd get caught! But knowing you! You didn't fucking listen and now we are caught and its all your fault! Your so fucking selfish!" Chaz screamed in my face, throwing the beer he had in his hand, storming out the door in seconds. 

I was completely shocked at his sudden burst, running my hands through my hair and staring at the broken glass in front of me. 

" Woah.. dude, i better get going, catch you later bro" Ryan said quietly, going in the direction Chaz had went, leaving my house.

Sighing heavily, kneeling down on my knees, picking up the pieces of glass, i grew angry. I knew who would've reported us.. i knew... 


Ashley's POV 

My eyes fluttered open, sitting up in my bed, rubbing my eyes, getting rid of the eye boogers. A bright light coming from the window, enlightening my bedroom brightly. I pulled the covers out from under my legs, checking the time beside me. It was exactly 8:30 a.m. UGH! Why did i have to wake up so early... 

Grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, along with undergarments i went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Undressing and hopping in the shower, quickly. Turning on the tub faucet, feeling the water temperature heat up before, popping on the shower head.

I hummed to a song that i've always loved, a thousand years. Quickly scrubbing and shampooing, turning of the water, opening the door slightly, grabbing my towel wrapping myself in it. Looking in the mirror and brushing my teeth. 

Walking out after i was done, searching through my closet for something to wear, spotting a light blue and black, pok-a-dot shirt with black skinny jeans. Putting the jeans on, making that dance you do when your putting on skinny jeans. Throwing the shirt over my head, tucking it in my pants, since it was a bit too long. I deciding i would put my hair up today, so i brushed it out, and made it into a messy bun, carelessly. 

I was finally finished getting ready so i went downstairs, greeting my aunt, while she was reading a newspaper. 

" Good morning, aunt Rocio" I greeted, smiling brightly.

" Good morning sweety, you seem happy this morning" she spoke, slightly laughing. 

" Well, i got my morning shower, so im nice and clean" i said, going to the fridge, pouring myself a cup of orange juice. 

" I can see" she said, looking down to her newspaper, begin to read once again. 

After i finished my juice, i placed it in the sink, pouring some water into it. 

" Well, im going to take a walk and head to starbucks or something since it's Saturday, is that ok?" i asked, hoping she would say yes. 

" Sure, Ash. Go get some fresh air" she nodded towards the door. 

" Okay, thanks. I'll be back no later than an hour" i said, leaning down giving her a peck on the cheek, walking towards the door.

" Okay" she said, before i closed the door shut. 

The cold yet hot air, hit my face as soon as i walked out onto the sidewalk, moving my hair back. The sun was shining in my face, making me scrunch up my eyebrows, and look down for a second. Taking in the scent of the air, i smelled the beautiful flowers beside me, moving with the wind. 

I hadn't noticed i was walking to fast, until i bumped into someone making my look up quickly. I gasped in shock, meeting her gaze, her lips forming a huge grin. I couldn't believe she was standing right in front of me right now. 

" Hey Ashley" she spoke confidently. 

" Itzel?" i asked, raising my eyebrows in confusion. 

" Don't tell me you don't recognize your best friend" she asked, with the grin still on her face. 

I was taken back, coughing slightly, " Best friend? Our friendship ended a long ass time ago" i spoke, angrily. 

" I'm guessing you found out" she said, grinning widely. 

" Oh you've known i found out a long time ago!" i screamed, stepping back keeping myslef from throwing a punch. 

" I love how people like him follow my directions" she chuckled, shaking her head. 

" What?!" i asked, in confusion. 

" Oh so you didn't know, oops" she said, covering her mouth, pathetically.

" I was the one who told Justin to kidnap you, beat you, and abuse you. Didn't he tell you that?" she asked, carelessly. 

My heart immediately stopped beating for a few seconds, finally taking in what she just said. I couldn't believe it, my own best friend.. she did this to me.. She and him scarred me for life.. 

Tears began screaming down my face, sadness and anger radiating through my body, making my fist clench. I felt betrayed, abandoned, hurt, and so many things. 

" Aww Ash, you didn't know, you trusted me" she smiled widely," I was never you true friend, in fact all those things i ever told you were lies, i just wanted you to trust me so after i'd make fun of you and spill all your secrets" she said, rocking on the bottom of her feet. 

" How could you do something like that? Lied to my fucking face for 2 years? How?!" i screamed aggressively. 

" It's fun" she said, coldly. " But I'm not done just yet...." she said, looking behind me and nodding her head. I snapped my head back in her direction, meeting a guys eyes behind me, stepping back quickly. " Now!"

The guy walked towards me, covering my mouth and pulling my hand behind my back. Ugh not this again! Why does this always happen to ME! I kicked and screamed, trying to wiggle myself out but it wasn't making a difference the guy had a strong hold on me. 

" Bitch stop moving before i kill you right now!!" he screamed in my ear sternly, making me stop, breathing heavily. 

" Get her in the van, ill meet you there" was the last thing i heard before i was thrown in what seemed to be a van, bumping my head into something hard, groaning loudly. 


Author~ This was one of the longest chapters I've wrote so far!! hope you guys like it!! YEs more drama!! of course, but that's what keeps you guys reading!! so thanks for the votes and comments! i've reached 1K read on the book !! Thank you guys soo much it means the world tooo mee!! LOVE yOU GUYS !! peace out! 


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