Chapter 1

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Maggie's p.o.v
It's only one more day until Magcon. If you couldn't tell I'm so freaking excited!!

I cannot wait to hug the people who have helped me out through so much. Especially Brandon Rowland.

He's just so cute and most likely won't even notice me. But that's ok I'll still fan girl like there's literally no tomorrow.

I realized I was thinking to much about this and was going to be late for school. "Shoot" I said aloud. I hopped in thve shower quickly and put on some black tights, a baby blue t-shirt, a cardigan and some flats.

Then I quickly did some makeup and fixed my hair. I ran out the door only to see I had missed the bus. Walking it is then.

Well more like running. I got to school just in the nic of time. Phew. I spotted Jess and went up to her.

"Aren't you just so excited about Magcon tomorrow?!" I asked her.
"Um no not really, are you?" She asked.

"Well of course I am is that even a question." I said bluntly. "Okay well I have to educate you on these boys, so what time am I coming over tonight.?" I asked.

"We can walk home right after school" she said.

*** After school ***

I looked around aimlessly for Jess I couldn't find her anywhere. Aha I had found her talking to Charlie which I believe is her crush but she won't tell me. So when they were done talking I walked up to her grabbed her and started to walk out of the school. "So You and Charlie huh" I made a smirky face at her. "Stop I do not like him me and him are just friends." She said. "Who are you trying to convince me or yourself." I asked. "Well maybe I like him just a little" she said smiling. "Awe Jess" I said grinning. Once we got outside we said bye to a couple of our friends and started to talk again. "So would you ever date Charlie?" I asked. "Eh I don't know I mean I know I like him but I don't know if it's that strong of like and plus we're becoming good friends so ill see were that takes me plus I don't really want a serious kind of relation ship with him" she answered. "And what about you missy who do you like?" She asked. "I kind of think that Noah's cute, but that's All." I said. "I mean Noah's cute But Brandon is hot so" I said. "Who's Brandon is he new at our school?" She asked curiously. "Oh you have a lot to learn" I said to Jess unimpressed. Once we reached Jess's house her two dogs greeted us at the door. We then ran up to her room. "Okay time to educate you on all things Magcon related." I said to her. "Number one thing you need to know is, you have to be really loud so we can get a chance to meet them" I said. "Okay that sounds good, I mean ok" she said. I then showed her a picture of all the boys and named all of them so she would know. "Oh these three are cute" she said pointing to Jacob, Hunter and Cameron "Yay you're taking an interest I'm so proud of you" I said pretending to shed a tear. "Ya ya whatever it's a literal 1 in a million chance of us meeting them." She said. "Don't be miss Debby Downer" I said. "I've already made a huge sign which we can hold up together" I said. "Okay what do we wear to these kinds of things?" She asked. Well usually something comfortable but also cute." I said. "I brought all of my Merch t-shirts. You can choose any one excerpt for the Brandon one." I said. "Well all of them have huge faces in them except this one that says Jacob Sartorious is my Boyfriend" she said. "Okay do you want that one?" I asked. "But won't that be embarrassing because he's not my boyfriend?" She asked. "No no don't worry all of the fans do something like this"I said reassuring her. "Ohhhh ok" she said. "So now that you know more about them are you a bit more excited?" I asked raising an eyebrow and nudging her. "Well ya I guess just a little but again it's 1 in a million of chances that we're actually going to meet them." She said. "Well if you think like that then maybe but we have to try our hardest" I said. "Ok ok I'll try my hardest" she said. So we picked out our outfits and watched a movie downstairs in the basement and eventually went back upstairs to sleep. "Tomorrow's a big day so we need a lot of rest, Goodnight jessssss" I said carrying the s "Good night magsssss" she said carrying the s our also. Oh what a Fun day tomorrow will be I said as I drifted off into sleep smiling.

Ahhh hoped you guys liked the 1st chapter!! Leave feedback if you'd like and make sure to
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