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Authors Note: Hey guys this is still set in the restaurant but soon it's set somewhere different. Hope you enjoy:)

Six's POV:

"why?" I questioned a little to relived, I did want to know if it's because he likes someone else, and I'm curious.

"Because I don't want to put her in harms way and what we had wasn't true loric love" he replied "I know that now." He continues, " and I couldn't brake up with her then because it would crush her." I could tell that John was fighting back tears but I was really happy, that was Sarah is out of the way and John would be all mine. Greedy yes, but I've had a connection with him since birth, our parents were best friends and they would always joke that we were destined to be together. I think John has the same feeling towards me as I did to him, and I think that John knew about our parents because he and Henri were so pleased that it was me that came and saved there ass's, or at leat Johns... and Sam's, Sam was a nice intelligent guy, but it didn't take Pittacus to relies that Sam liked me, I like him to, just more as a friend.

"You did the right thing." I replied "How are you ment to rebuild and repopulate Lorien with a human?"

"I just thought that maybe...."

"John you know thats not how it works." I say staring him in the eye, he resorts back so staring at the faded window. "You know in order to have a Loric baby It needs to be two Lorics who have sex, if a Loric and a human do, the child becomes a half blood and only posses some of the Lorics abilities, and it will not develop legacies like a Guard." 

I can see John understood this because he slightly nods his head and then sighs. 

Johns POV:  

I knew that six was right, and I also knew that there was no point in arguing with her, she is as stubborn as witch, that just makes me want her even more!

After we ate Sam was still asleep so I had to wake him and tell him to find us a place to stay. It took him an hour but eventually he found a abandoned house in the country side of Virginia so we continued travelling south until we eventually reached our destination. 

The house was fine, it had electricity but no warm water there was no pool and there was a living room with a couch and working tv. There were only two bed rooms with one bed in between them, we agreed that sam would get the room with the bed, six would get the other room and Id get the couch.

The next morning was training and it was hard, if I threw a punch with telekinesis six stand still and  deflect or block it. Sam even trained with us whilst six went easy on sam she went all out on me throwing different combinations of blocks, Jabs and kicks. Every day I would get my ass kicked but I knew I was getting better. 

Over the days of training we got better and six would now have to throw every thing into deflecting my bursts of telekinesis. Today it was just me and six because sam as getting the essentials from the nearest shop (which was not near). 

Sixs POV:

"Come on John at least try and not get embarist!" This I could tell made him mad, He charged me closing the gap between us in a blink of an eye, He threw a high punch I ducked the returned with one of my own as well as a blast of telekinesis sending him flying into a near by tree. He emerged seconds later with a ripped t-shirt and a playful smile on his lips, I returned his smile with one of my own he then ripped his shirt off and lit it on fire and turned it into ash.

"Guess I wont be needing this then." he said but I was not paying any attention, instead I was staring in awe at how ripped John was, his chiseled shoulders, huge muscular arms and a clear six pack. I quickly snapped out of my faze and laughed.

"Come on pretty boy," I said he charged again but this time I had a different plan at the last second a sidestepped out the way and swiped his legs from under him causing to land face first in the ground. He rolled over but I quickly pinned him down. It took me a moment to realise how close we were I was laying on his bear chest whilst pinning his arms above his head and my face was hovering an inch an a half above his.

Johns POV: 

six was practically laying on me and she was so close I could smell her raspberry sent, she moved ever so closer and I imitedly knew were this was going and I wanted it, I closed the gab and captured her luscious lips on mine, her lips tasted of strawberries a personal favorite and they felt perfect on mine, like they were ment to be, the kiss was slow at first until she released my hands and we rolled over so it was me now on top so her, she put her arms around my neck pulling me closer, as the kiss slowly became more and more desperate until she finally aloud my tongue entry into her mouth with an explosion of passion, a passion I didn't know I possess, a passion so powerful only six could have it. We continued to role around until we broke off to take a deep breath only to then collide once again. 

"Six, John Im home" sam yelled I quickly rolled off of six who was out of breathe like me. My heart beet was pounding at 200 bpm, what just happened? It was amazing but as my luck had it sam was home....

Authors Note: Hey guys that was a rush hope you enjoyed:) Six and Four forever!!!   

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