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Authors Note: Hey guys nothing new has happened between John and Six, and they still have not discussed there feelings towards each other, was the kiss just a one off? Who will break the ice? Apart from that they have a lead but on who??

Johns POV:

Its been two days since we left the house because we found a lead, In Greybull, Wyoming. A Garde member may be located there, we think this because two days ago there was a huge rock slide killing three people, but the real mystery was how sixteen year old Lucy Libswurth and her mother Sophia Libswurth managed to survive the rock slide when they were hiking and it came down on top of them.

Six and I immediately knew what it was, SHIELD. She must have the legacy shield and her mother must be her Cêpan. Yes it was a long shot but we had no other solid leads and what if it was really a member of the Garde and we didn't go for her, the the mogs would get her first and they would kill her. That was not something we were willing to take. So because of this six wouldn't let us stop unless it was to get food which was only twice a day!!

Also what was bothering was how six and I haven't talked since we basically made out, (also two days ago)and because of this a thin layer of Ice was slowly starting to build and I think Sam was starting to notice. Which leads me on to my next point, we haven't told sam that we are a "thing" now, wait are we a thing? I mean sure we both have feelings for each other and yes we did kiss but does that make us a couple?! It felt like my mind was spinning at a hundred miles an hour, until six woke me from my faze by signalling for us to pull into a gas station.

Probably to refuel the vehicles and our selves. Six went into to pay whilst sam and I tried to figure out what the almost Identical rocks (with crystals in side) did. They came from both mine and sixes chests and Ive got no idea what they do? "Hey what do you think they do?" I questioned Sam.

"No idea but I bet Its awesome!" He replied enthusiastically whilst smacking it with his hand.

Six walks out a second later with a OMG look on her face. "Hand it here Sam." she says whilst slightly shoving him and taking it out of his hand. She then faces me and takes my hand with the rock and brings it to the same level as her rock then she releases my hand and pushes her stone against mine. It took a second but slowly blue lines started traveling from our hands and engraving our symbols into the now whole stone, instantly we locked eyes and I suddenly felt a wave of emotions flood me but none of them negative, and all of them pulling towards the beauty in front of me, in that instant I could tell that we were always meant to be and that we will be together, I could also tell she felt the same thing from the expression on her face. The next thing I felt was the stone disintegrate in my hands which left six and I suddenly holding hands staring deeply into each others eyes. I know that this could go on forever until sam interrupted. AGAIN!!!! 

"Woah, guys what the hell just happened?" He questioned this caused six to release my hand. Sam if you weren't my best friend then I swear would turn you into a human torch, I told my self.

Six and I both knew the answer but neither of us wanted to tell it. "don't know." I replied

"We better get back on the road." she stated as she got on to the bike and winked at me making sure sam didn't see.

"Alright hop in Sam" I said as i jumped into the drivers seat.

We slowly continued to drive on.

Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed I know there has not been a lot of action but thats still to come stay tuned:)

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