Chapter 4- Liasco Fiasco

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At this very moment, Dave liasco was 47 years, 23 days and six hours old and it seemed he was going to stay that way. For poor Dave had just finished his shift as the jolly big man at the mall. As he was grabbed his things from the employee lounge, he was struck upon the head causing him to fall unconscious.
Soon after he was no longer living thanks to the festive star jabbed deep into the crown of his head. Although gruesome and sick, the fact the star lighted up was a nice touch to the whole murder scene.
Ned seemed to think so too as he now say in the morgue with Emerson Codd, ready to interrogate our poor Dave.
"I like the lights... Is that bad? Yeah that's bad." Ned thought to himself
"Alright let's get this over with I've got a slice left over pie waiting for me at my office." Emerson said with a scowl. Without much thought after Ned started his stopwatch and tapped the man to life.
"WHAT THE HEL- .... Hello..." Dave said as he awoke.
"Um, hi. I'm Ned that's Emerson and we're very sorry to inform you but um, you're dead." Ned murmured with a slight cringe
"Yeah I got that genius, after being knocked out and waking up in a place vaguely similar to a morgue one can assume they're dead" Dave sasses back

"Oh right... Ok 35 seconds." Ned nodded

"Alright, did you see your killer?" Emerson questioned impatiently

"Well yeah, I turned and faced him before he hit me" Dave added snappily

"No need for the sass Saint Nick. Now tell us who it was since you saw him" Said Emerson who now folded his arms agitated

"10 seconds" Ned added

"I said I saw him I didn't say I knew him"

"Good god man just answer the question!" There seemed to be an aggravation building in the room even Ned was getting tired of his answers

"Alright! I couldn't tell mainly cause he was still in costume. So I hate to say this boys but It was another Santa.... Hey do you think you could get me some wat-" and with that Ned put him back to sleep

"Was it just me or was he slightly agitating?" Ned asked getting a simple "ya think?" From Emerson.

Back at the pie hole, Olive and Chuck ran the place by themselves, luckily Ned had taught Chuck how to bake all the pies in the shop. They seemed to manage just fine till closing time that night.
     "I'll see you later Olive I've gotta catch up on my reading" Chuck laughed lightly before leaving.
    Olive on the other hand, was out to find a gift for Vivienne and Lilly Charles.

Now the Charles sisters were a bit odd one would say, but not picky. So Olive
Figured it wouldn't be too hard to get them something. Then Olive remembered those women have practically everything all around their house or in the attic.
This would be harder than Olive thought.

A/N: Hey guys! I've started writing again and can honestly say it's not as good as the other chapters but I tried to make it so. I hope you enjoy! Please comment if you find any typos and such. Also vote please! But only if you want to :) Buh-bye! XxOOxX

A Very Baking (And Waking) Christmas, a "Pushing Daisies" fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now