Chapter 7- The Morgue Meet-Up

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         The time had come for our Pie maker to meet Emerson at the morgue as they had previously arranged. Emerson had stood waiting at the entrance, for Ned was, a few minutes late.

As Cod checked his watched for the fifth time this minute, Ned pulled up and hopped out of his car, with what seemed to be a sandwich wrapper stuck inside his pocket, and his cheeks full of a substance unknown.

    "You seriously stopped for a sandwich?!" Emerson questioned with a frustrated tone.

    "I waf hunry" Ned answered, his words muffled and a slight whine to his tone.

    "Whatever, you're here and we need information." Cod dragged his friend, and partner through the doors and into the back, after he handed the man behind the counter his pay of course.

making their way past the many corpses they met theirs, laying on his back, the bow planted firmly on his head.

    "You know up close and in person the bow doesn't look as bad as I thought."

Ned admitted aloud, which earned him a disgruntled, well, grunt from Emerson

    "We can discussed the fine eye you have for Christmas decorations later, now just touch the stiff, so we can get somewhere with this case."

    "You think i have a fine eye for Chris-"


Emerson exclaimed and the Pie maker took the cue to begin the interogation.

it was if a spark leapt  off of Ned's fingertip and into Kenneth's lifeless body, and in an instant, he was sitting upright, the ornaments hanging from his body jingling as he moved.

    "...where am I."

these were Kenneth's, unoriginal, first words

    "Uh hello, Hi I'm Ned, this is Emerson. and you died like, a day ago and we kinda need to know who did it so we can get them taken away," Ned explained briefly but quickly and precise enough to be understood.

    "K that's all good and well but did anybody feed Bongles?"

Kenneth replied as if not even phased by the fact he had been murdered.

    "ah, I'm sorry who?"

    "My cat. Bongles. was he fed."
Kenneth asked again, his tone changing to a slightly snappier one. Cod was not enjoying the unimportant chat.

    "We don't know about your damn cat, what we need is a name or face of the guy that did you in! can you give us one or not?!"

Kenneth turned his head and gave Emerson a bored look.

    "He was in a red velvet suit, white fur trim, a long beard. and what looked like a small bell inside a pyramid tattooed on his neck."

this was interesting and new information for the duo. the two turned and looked at each other surprised by this statement. Neither had realized their minute was coming to a quick close.

    "A tattoo? on his neck?"

    "oh yeah, honestly with the whole outfit it was a decision that man did not thin-"

Kenneth was cut off by the force of Ned's finger being forced back onto his face.

    "sorry... we had five seconds" Cod explained as Ned help his finger in slight pain from being jerked and slammed against another human.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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A Very Baking (And Waking) Christmas, a "Pushing Daisies" fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now