Chapter 2- Interrogation and Decoration

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Ned and Emerson had arrived at the morgue ready to interrogate Santa Claus. Well Greg Swindon. In a Santa costume. They stepped in and Emerson handed the odd man the money as always and they went to work.

The body was purple in the face, eyes bulging and lips swollen.

"Not a pretty sight", Ned thought

Not a pretty sight indeed.

"let's just touch him and get this damn thing over with." Emerson told Ned

Ned reached his hand out

*click* his timer started. The body jolted to life at his touch

"HEY! who are you?!" Greg asked in a heavy new York accent.

" uh, heavens gate, holders?" Ned couldn't think

" you sure?"

" yes, um heavens door holders"

" I thought it was gate!"

"Gate right sorry,"

Emerson had had enough of this nonsense "Hey! Wasting time! Ask who did it!"

" right of course, sorry. Your dead. And we need to know who killed you. Would you mind filling us in?"

Greg looked at him funny, but gave him the information anyway.

" I was getting ready to go home to my nagging wife when I was changing in the locker rooms for employees. And some guy decided to come up behind me with some Christmas lights and choke me out."

"Twenty seconds," Ned exclaimed

" did you see what he looked like?"

Greg pondered and nodded.

"it was strange,"

"Spit it out man!" Emerson couldn't take the vague answers.

"Five seconds!"

" he looked like Santa Claus, the real thing!"

Ned was shocked but only had three more seconds.

" thank you, good night!"

Ned tapped him back to death breathing heavily. Santa had killed another Santa.

Back at the pie hole, things had just closed up and Olive and Chuck were trying to clean and put up decorations.

" so, what are you getting Ned for Christmas? " olive asked chuck,

" oh I don't know, probably that food processor he's been wanting for like, ever"

"ooh! The Fruit-Dicer5000!? He's gonna love you honey, well more than he does, if that's possible." Olive replied.

" what do you mean, if that's possible? " Chuck asked trivially while putting up  multicolored lights hanging from the over hanging cherry ones.

" well Ned completely adores you, you should know that, he'd do anything for you."

Chuck thought about that, and Olive was right, he'd raise the dead for her. He did.

"so what do you think he's going to get you?" Said Olive breaking the silence.

" oh probably nothing special, you know Ned tries to find the perfect gift then ends up buying nothing, then feels bad and buys something to make up for that nothing."

Olive laughed at that, "You're right, before you came, he tried to buy me a gift and ended up getting me a fish because he couldn't find anything, and it was Christmas eve!"

" No! That's ridiculously adorable actually!" Chuck chuckled to herself about Ned's habits. Folding socks and everything super organized. And on their separate drawers. Sometimes she'd mess them up and undo the folds, just to see how he'd react. She concluded from her experiment that he'd act hilariously!

Chuck and olive had finished cleaning and decorating and decided to go get dinner together and do a little holiday shopping.

Little did Chuck know, Ned was doing the same.

Emerson had gone home after the questioning but Ned had decided to hit the outlets trying to find that "perfect" gift for chuck it was her first Christmas with him and he wanted to to be extra special.

He looked at clothes but couldn't find one that stood out.

He looked at electronics, but chuck didn't like that sort of thing. He even looked at books, but chuck had already read all of these!

"This, this is going to be very difficult" Ned thought. And off he went continuing his search, vowing to not give up until he had found that "perfect" gift.

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Xxoo love you!

A Very Baking (And Waking) Christmas, a "Pushing Daisies" fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now