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Kiers P.O.V:

“Kier” “pssst Kier” “Kiieeeerrrrr” “shut up Laurence” I mumble keeping my eyes closed. Suddenly a pillow collides with my head with surprising force “owww” I grumble turning over so the pillow is no longer on my head and I’m staring at Laurence sleepily. “Kier come on!” Laurence grins from the end of the bed, fully dressed – wait “Laurence the fuck are you doing dressed?” I mumble barely coherent “Get up” he commands giving me no explanation. I sleepily watch him walk over to the dresser grabbing a pair of my skinny jeans off the floor, a shirt from the top draw – yes I keep my shirts folded in my draws, have you seen the size of our wardrobe? – and a pair of boxers from the second draw down, before walking over and dropping them on the bed beside me “I’ll make breakfast. Get dressed” he orders walking out and closing the door behind him without another word. What the fuck is going on?

I roll out of bed reluctantly with a thud causing Laurence to shout “YOU’LL WAKE THE OTHERS!” which is rather counterproductive if you ask me. “I cannot be fucked” I mutter at my clothes getting off the floor and grabbing the shirt off the top of the pile; it’s a fitted shirt, plain red. Why did he pick a shirt with buttons? I think unhappily quickly putting it on and not bothering to button it. I quickly change my boxers – leaving my dirty ones on the floor – and pull on my jeans collapsing back onto the bed “KIER YOU BETTER NOT BE STRAIGHTENING YOUR HAIR!” Laurence shouts. I quickly pull up the zipper and get off the bed, if I stay there much longer there’ll be no getting me up and Laurence will probably kill me. I look at my straighteners, which are resting on top of the dresser still plugged into the wall socket, longingly. Later.

Laurences P.O.V:

I turn my back on the frying pan taking in Kier. He’s fully dressed – well almost – his hair still tousled from sleep. Honestly I’m shocked he listened and didn’t fix his hair immediately “bed hair suits you” I murmur causing Kier to pause buttoning his shirt and glare at me before going back to it. Not a morning person I think as I turn back to the frying pan. I hear Kier collapse in the chair at the small wooden table “whats going on?” he yawns as the kettle boils and I pour the steaming water into a mug. “you’ll see” I smile walking over and placing the mug in front of him “I hate surprises” he frowns “oh shut up and drink it you’re no fun decaffeinated” I tease. Kier obliges blowing his coffee before taking a cautious sip and pulling a face “it’s hot” I smile to myself once my back is turned “no shit” he sighs in response “what are you cooking anyway?” “that - I can reveal” I laugh, toast pops up from the toaster causing us to jump and interrupting me “eggs” “is there bacon?” Kier asks a lot more alert now “couldn’t be fussed with different pans” I sigh turning the gas ring off “oh right veggie” Kier mumbles.

I plate up the food quickly before placing the plates opposite each other at the table. “so are you going to tell me whats going on?” Kier sighs obviously a little frustrated “wheres the fun in that?” I laugh before taking a bite of my toast “I give up with you I swear Bevers” Kier frowns before cutting up his egg and taking a bite “eggs nice” he smiles “scrambled like you like it” I laugh. We’re nearly finished when Shane walks in sleepily “hey where are my eggs?” he asks his brow furrowing “in the fridge” Kier teases causing Shane to smile briefly “DREW DO YOU WANT PANCAKES?!” he shouts “I want pancakes!” Kier pouts “well you didn’t offer me breakfast” Shane replies sticking his tongue out at Kier “I didn’t make them Laurence d-” “we’re leaving now anyway” I laugh “shane you got the plates?” I ask dragging Kier out te kitchen “IT LOOKS LIKE I’VE LITTLE CHOICE!” he shouts back “that’s my boy!” I laugh grabbing my keys off the coffee table and dragging a still very confused Kier out of the flat.

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