Movie Night

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Kiers P.O.V:

I’m staring down the microwave tapping my foot impatiently when Laurence shouts me “KIER YOU NEARLY DONE?!” my reply is drowned out by the microwave pinging “NEVER MIND!” he shouts again. I sigh opening the microwave and pulling out the popcorn. I jump back dropping on the kitchen floor with a quiet thump “SHIT” I exclaim shaking my hand “YOU OKAY KEMP?!” Luke shouts “yeah just burned myself” I sigh running my hands under the tap before picking up the now cooler bag and pouring it into a bowl.

“you okay?” Laurence asks as I collapse next to him on the sofa “burned my hands didn’t I?” I laugh placing the bowl on the coffee table in front of us “what we watching anyway?” I ask as I watch Luke place a disc in the dvd player “insidious” he replies laughing to himself. Horror movies, God I love horror movies, Drew not so much. “t-that sounds scary” he murmurs snuggling closer to Shane already. Me and Luke make eye contact and share a knowing smile, pranks will ensue. “heard it’s good” I smile putting my arm around Laurence “well they’re making a sequel that’s gotta count for something right?” Luke smiles as the title screen rolls. Drew looks scared already.

The film starts fairly slow admittedly and is pretty cliché. A typical white family move into a typical old house. “God I hate when kids scream in movies” Laurence mutters “ssshhh” me and Luke hiss in unison leaning closer to the scream. At this point Drew is alternating between burying his head in Shanes chest and peeking at the screen “never make me go in an attic please” Drew trembles and I laugh a little earning a glare from Laurence “what it’s funny” I whisper causing Luke to turn and glare at us.

Shanes P.O.V:

I look down at the small man who has somehow ended up on my lap his head buried in my chest. I hold him close protectively and ruffle his hair with my free hand. The attic scene is fairly short and soon enough I’m whispering “it’s over Drew” reassuringly. Drew pokes his head out of my chest and looks back to the screen soon reassured they’re out of the attic. “Why couldn’t we have just watched spiderman or avengers?” he whines causing Kier to sigh dramatically. “I need toilet” Drew pouts “well go then” I murmur trying to watch the film “I- I don’t want to go on my own” he mumbles “I can wait outside?” I ask “please” he mumbles again “fine” I say with a resigned sigh gently pushing the small man off my lap and getting up to follow him “oooh timids are getting some action!” Kier shouts “shut it kemp” I sigh flicking him on the temple as I walk past “heeeey” he whines “you started it” I mutter “Children please!” Laurence sighs dramatically. I don’t bother responding and nod at Drew before following him out of the room. This movie really has scared him.

Once Drews in the bathroom I realize how thirsty I am. “great” I mumble parched, I guess if I’m quick I’ll be back before he’s done. I look back at the door uncertainly before deciding to get a drink. I rush to the kitchen not at all spooked. Horror movies not normally get me, even less so when I haven’t watched half of it. Laughter drifts from the living room again, I assume it’s kier, every time a scary scene occurs he seems to take great hilarity in it and laughs his ass off. I smile remembering that time we had to turn Saw off because less than 10 minutes in he could hardly breathe. Oh right, water I think grabbing a glass and turning the tap on. I swear I feel a presence behind me and turn to check, nothing, I slightly regret not turning the lights on now if I’m being honest. I hear a scream and drop the glass in the sink running towards it immediately.

Kiers P.O.V:

 Laurence has somehow drifted asleep, too many late nights probably, so with the timids gone it’s just me and Luke. I grab the remote pausing the tv and turn to look at him a smirk on my face, he meets it with a devious grin. “you reckon Shane stayed with him?” I whisper “probably not you know what Shanes like, he tries but his attention span is terrible” I nod at Luke in agreement getting up as quietly as possible. The sofa creeks and shifts slightly, I whip my head to Laurence but he’s still snoring softly “I’ll scout it out first” I whisper, Luke nods in response. I deftly dodge the coffee table, pizza boxes and DVD’s littering the floor and creep into the hallway. I poke my head around the corner and sure enough Shanes not in sight.

“’s clear” I whisper urgently and Luke appears “whats the plan?” he asks quietly “I’ll hide there” I point at the stairs “then you hid around the corner, double scare” I grin deviously. Luke nods before disappearing around the corner and I take my place on the stairs. It seems our timing was impeccable as moments later I hear the toilet flush and taps run. I manage to suppress a giggle and poise myself ready to pounce. Drew opens the door and I throw myself at him. Drew lets out a high pitched screaming running towards Luke and moments later screams again. Me and Luke burst into hysterics, and it slowly dawns on Drew this was a prank. “IS EVERYONE OKAY?!” Shane asks running in “haha – ha – yeah” I answer from the floor breathless. I really need to calm down. “Drew?” Shane asks and Drew whimpers in response. “YOU JUMPED OUT ON HIM DIDN’T YOU?!” Shane exclaims angrily “it was class” Luke laughs and walks over helping me up before high fiving me.

“whats all this shouting about?” Laurence asks sleepily from the doorway “it’s nothing” Drew mumbles embarrassed. Laurence looks at me “you didn’t?” “you did didn’t you?” “God you’re such an ass Kier” he groans “you okay?” he asks Drew who’s now in Shanes arms “yep” he mumbles quietly “sooo we gonna watch the rest of the film or what?” I say awkwardly “yeeeah” Luke replies walking back into the living room. Shane shoots me a glare before leading Drew back into the living room. Laurence also glares at me disapprovingly before following. Why do I always get all the blame?! Suddenly a thought hits me and I run to my room before rummaging in my wardrobe and pulling out a bag of cookies triumphantly. This’ll cheer him up.

“sorry Drew” I smile apologetically chucking the bag of cookies at him “it’s fine” he smiles complacently opening the bag and taking a bite of a cookie. “you’re such an ass kemp” Laurence sighs ruffling my hair “heeey” “quit whining and watch the film already!” Luke exclaims pressing the play button.


“well that was a disappointment” I sigh as the end credits roll “it wasn’t bad I might watch the sequel” Laurence yawns “the scene where the Dad goes to get the kid or whatever was okay” I admit “no, nope, never again. Never watching a horror film again” Drew says shakily “you say that every time” Luke laughs “well YOU GUYS CHOOSE THEM NOT ME!” Drew says defensively causing us to all laugh “well fine I’m sorry, you choose the next one?” I ask motioning at the DVD’s. Drew grins excitedly scrambling off Shanes lap all worries over the horror film seemingly forgotten. “I choose this” Drew smiles holding up Avengers “not again” Laurence sighs “you’ll be asleep anyway quit bitching!” I tease getting up “right, who wants more popcorn?”

A/N So I checked my drafts and found a load which isn't odd (I'm forever starting stories and not finishing them). However this one jumped out at me, I didn't upload it before because I didn't feel it was good enough but what the hell,


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